CEO Gopal Vittal has a gift for Airtel Wi-Fi users in India- Read letter

CEO Gopal Vittal has a gift for Airtel Wi-Fi users in India- Read letter

2 months ago | 27 Views

Airtel is one of the largest and oldest telecom operators in India and as the company is betting big to increase its market share, its CEO Gopal Vittal has emailed Airtel Wi-Fi users as a sign of gratitude. Along with his message, the Airtel CEO also revealed new services and benefits that the company will offer to Airtel Xtreme Fiber users across India.

Read CEO's message to customers

?Wi-Fi has become an integral part of our daily lives, shaping how we work, learn and entertain ourselves in our homes. We now need high speed internet at home for smart devices, studying and working. While Airtel Wi-Fi has historically had limited availability, Airtel has worked towards solving this problem and now we have high speed Wi-Fi available at present in 1200+ cities.

This means that those of you who were unable to access high-speed internet will now be able to do so. As a mark of this capability, we have now chosen to offer you even more value here.

Offer the largest selection of TV shows, movies and web series which come included with your Wi-Fi plan. In specific, this content delivered through Airtel Wi-Fi will give you access to 22+ OTTs and 350+ TV channels

In addition, to signal our gratitude to you, every time you choose to add a new Airtel service - Mobile, Content or Wi-Fi we will offer extra value over and above your basic plan.

As always, I look forward to hearing from you and implementing any suggestions you may have to make our services even better suited to your needs.? the mail from Airtel CEO Gopal Vittal reads.

Going viral

It is not common for a CEO of a tech or telecom company to write directly to its users and that is why the gesture from Gopal Vittal is slowly getting attention of the netizens. While a few are appreciating the mail, a few are using it to complain about their Wi-Fi issues.

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