Apple killed a Watch project, LG is now demanding compensation: Heres the whole story

Apple killed a Watch project, LG is now demanding compensation: Heres the whole story

1 month ago | 30 Views

Apple, at any given point, is working on a range of new products and technologies. New Apple patents and leaked product information are often circulating on social media platforms. Although most of the futuristic products look genuine, only a few make it to the actual market. One such project of a planned product was canned by Apple and now LG is demanding compensation for it.

Why LG wants Apple to pay

Apple reportedly killed a project in which microLED displays were intended to be used for the Apple Watch. The cancellation of microLED displays affected several Apple suppliers such as Klulicke and Soffa and ams Osram. Now, as per a report by TheElec, LG display is seeking compensation for the project's closure.

The report suggests that LG invested a significant amount of funds over the years to prepare a microLED backplane process based on an earlier Apple request. The expenses include millions of dollars worth of machinery, workforce and movement of equipment. As the project had already cost big to LG, it is now requesting Apple to compensate over the project's suspension.

Reports also reveal that LG Display bought 14 patents related to micro LED in June 2023 to apply to the rumoured Apple project. If industry experts are to be believed, compensation for LG would likely be included as part of the price of OLED panels that it makes for iPhones and iPads.

Apple previously compensated Samsung

This is not the first time that a supplier is seeking compensation from Apple. To recall, Apple compensated its key display partner Samsung Display after the Cupertino-based giant failed to purchase contracted minimum orders of OLED panels for iPhones over the years.

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