Apple Mac inside a keyboard? New patent hints at possible future of Steve Jobs idea

Apple Mac inside a keyboard? New patent hints at possible future of Steve Jobs idea

1 month ago | 27 Views

Apple Magic Keyboard may soon work as a Mac in the near future. To recall, Apple founder Steve Jobs referred to the Mac mini as a BYODKM (Bring Your Own Display, Keyboard, and Mouse) device. It seems Apple is planning to be one step ahead of Steve Jobs' statement and is looking forward to even getting rid of a separate Mac unit.

As per a report by Apple Insider, the Cupertino-based giants has been granted a new ?Computer in an Input Device? patent that proposes to make the whole Mac the size of a keyboard and with the functionality of a keyboard.

Just like the numerous computers of the 1980s, such as the Apple II, VIC-20, and Sinclair QL, the upcoming computer developed under this patent would look like a keyboard. It is anticipated that there will be hardly any size differences between the Apple Magic Keyboard and the upcoming Mac keyboard, with the latter being a bit larger and taller.

"A strong demand for portable computing devices which also deliver high performance has driven miniaturization and reduction in size of the once bulky computing components used to power and drive the devices,? the patent states.

"Components, such as processors, batteries, memory, integrated circuits, and the like, are now being manufactured within smaller footprints to provide lightweight and thin portable computing devices,? the patent adds.

Apple shared that it is possible to modify the shapes, housing designs, and configurations to make the device more functional. This is the focus of the entire patent, with a large chunk of its 130,000 words detailing how to ventilate the keyboard to ensure components are kept cool.

What is Apple planning for future

Further, the device is said to be made portable in different references. In one of them, Apple itself expressed that "computing devices can be foldable about an axis."

Another reference states that "where a user might desire the device... to have wireless internet connectivity, [it] can include a cellular antenna."

This has been found in the section dealing with the availability of space for the device's components without emphasizing the type of that specific component.

"This device configuration can allow a user to carry a single computing device that can provide a desktop computing experience at any location having one or more computer monitors,? Apple shared while talking about the new device.

The work-in-progress device's patent is in the hands of three inventors. These include Brett W. Degner, who previously worked on a patent related to developing the iMac out of a sheet of glass.

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