WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Cody Rhodes beats Roman Reigns, finishes the story after Undertaker, John Cena's shock returns

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Cody Rhodes beats Roman Reigns, finishes the story after Undertaker, John Cena's shock returns

2 months ago | 13 Views

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Seth Rollins, one of the many, in tears to see Cody Rhodes finally have his moment under the sun. Don’t forget his part in this. The way he played the supporting role in this entire feud. While most of the attention was focussed on Cody, Roman and Reigns, Rollins played his part with aplomb. The call to come out to the Shield theme song and capturing Roman's attention… to the extent that Reigns couldn’t help but get his 10-year-long by hitting Rollins in the back. This is what long-term storytelling is about. 

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Holy Christ! Are you serious? John Cena and The Rock in the same ring again? The last time it happened was at WrestleMania 32. They were allies back then. Far from it now for sure. What a face-off, but one that ends with The Rock drilling Cena with the Rock Bottom. Book it Triple H.

The Rock could never face The Undertaker at WrestleMania, but this is the cloest we could get to the dream match. Just when The Final Boss was about to lay waste to Rhodes, the gong hit, the lights went out and the arena went bonkers. The Undertaker emerges out of nowhere to chokeslam The Rock and even it up to a 1-on-1 contest. Madness! Triple H, you genius.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: What a sight! Cody Rhodes lifted by his peers. There’s John Cena there, there’s Randy Orton. Seth Rollins, Jey Uso. Sami Zayn. All those who’ve taken a beating at the hands of The Bloodline are in the ring and they’ve ensured that this moment of Rhodes’ becomes even greater. This is unreal. Michael Cole is in tears. Samantha Irwin’s voice, for the first time, shook while announcing the winner. But it’s all worth it. For the first time, a superstar from the Rhodes’ family holds the top prize in the business. And by god, you deserve it Cody Rhodes.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Do you believe in miracles? You better. Because Cody Rhodes has done it. He has beaten Roman Reigns to win the WWE Undisputed Universal Championship after 1366 days. A legendary run but tonight it comes to an end. And how? It needed John Cena. It needed The Undertaker as well to chokeslam The Rock. Even Seth Rollins dressed in a Shield costume. And finally, when the coast was clear, with no one to interfere, Cody Rhodes hit Roman Reigns with the triple Cross-Rhodes to finally do what no man has done since 2019. Pin Roman Reigns in a singles match. What a moment! What a DREAM.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: What in the world? It’s John Cena. He is here. The Champ is here. Stops the assault from Solo Sikoa, lands the Attitude Adjustment on Sikoa on the table

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Cody hits Roman with the crossroads. Twice. But just as he goes for a third, Solo Sikoa comes in and nails Cody with the Samoan Spike. But miraculously, Cody kicks out.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: No way! But is it even surprising anymore? Bloodline rules, anything goes. Just as Cody has Roman for the crossroad, Jimmy struck with a Super Kick. To negate this assault, in comes Jey Uso who takes out his brother and spears him off the ramp onto the table lying below.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: But none of them is proving to be enough. Roman hit Cody with the Superman Punch but Cody kicked out. Rhodes then hit Roman with a Spear and still not enough. One would feel it’s still too early to come to a conclusion in this match. Reigns even landed the Spear – a monstrous one, but Cody won't stay down. Not just yet, maybe not today.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The audacity from The Tribal Chief. Roman Reigns caught Cody Rhodes as he went for the Cody Cutter and hit him with The Cross Rhodes. Insult to injury Goes for the pin but Rhodes kicks out. Roman mutters a few words to Paul Heyman but enough for Rhodes to gather his breath and make Roman groggy with the Bionic Elblow. Shades of his father The American Dream, The late great Dusty Rhodes.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Roman hit Cody with 9 clothesline on the corner but in a bid to showboat, allowed Reigns to comeback and hit a couple of Super kicks. Both make a dash towards each other and connect with a flying clothesline. Both down, but Rhodes gets some breathing space.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The action spilled to the outside briefly where Cody suplexed Roman Reigns on one of the platforms into the crowd, but ever since, it’s been all Roman. Methodically dismantling Cody who erred when he went for a cutter. Reigns picked him up out of thing air and drilled with a Powerbomb. Cody out of energy and Reigns is taking all his time to wear down The American Nightmare.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Early moments but back-and-forth swing of momentum. Cody using his quickness to stun Roman early as he misses a spear and heads straight into the ring post. Hits back with a drive-by but only momentarily. Cody understands this is Bloodline Rules, hence brings out the table from underneath the table. Reigns however puts it back in and brings out a kendo stick.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Roman Reigns, in his god-mode is here. He has entered the last three WrestleMania as champ and left with the gold intact. But tonight is as good a chance as any for that narrative to chance. Reigns has been champion for 1366 days. Only three people in the history of the WWE have more single tenures as champion more than him. There is not an iota of doubt on Roman’s face. And hey, surprisingly, there is not a single member of the Bloodline with him… THUS FAR. Pretty sure we’re going to see them emerge as the match progresses.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: This is the moment of truth, ladies and gentlemen. Cody Rhodes' last chance to finish the story. As expected, a thunderous ovation as The American Nightmare makes his way to the ring, but there’s so much nervousness on his face with a mix of courage and determination as well. He knows what it’s going to be like. Everything will be thrown at him in this Bloodline rules match. The Cody chants begin.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Are you ready? This is what the world had been waiting for. Cody Rhodes and his chance to finish the story against Roman Reigns. But it won’t be easy. Last year, Cody came this close before an outside interference from Solo Sikoa cost him the match, and this year it promises to be a lot worse with Bloodline rules coming into full force. Cody and Seth Rollins lost to the Rock and Roman Reigns yesterday, which gives the Bloodline all the right to whatever they please in this match. Can Cody script the biggest miracle in WrestleMania history? Will it be another Mania with a nightmare finish, or will it convert into a dream? Remember, if Cody doesn't win this time, he will neve get another shot at this championship. So much is at stake.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Thunderous ovation from this crowd who thought Iyo almost had Bayley after that moonsault, but there is life left in her as she kicks out. Sky went for another one but this time she slipped out of the way. From there, Bayley did not miss her crucial moments. Executed the backdrop, the flying elbow and then finally the rose plant to pick up the 1, 2, 3. Another high for one of the four horsewomen. Iyo was brave but Bayley, this is what sweet redemption looks like. She is now a 4-time Women's Champion. Couldn’t have asked for a better first singles WrestleMania match.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: This is Bayley’s first WrestleMania singles match, where she is finding out that she may have taught Iyo Sky a bit too much for her own liking. She wasn't expecting this sort of cleverness from Sky, who had Bayley into a cross-face, almost getting a submission out of her. Bayley hits the Belly to Bailey but no damage done to Iyo. Both women then trash-talk and slap each other.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Damage CTRL already have a loss at this year’s WrestleMania losing to Cargill, Naomi and Bianca yesterday, and while Iyo, who won the championship back in August, cashing in her MITB contract, would want to pull one back, Bayley has never looked more determined. She is not going to take his betrayal lightly. She has been a trailblazer, being the first women grand-slam winner, tag-team champion and most recent, a Royal Rumble winner. Bayley knows what it’s like to be champion – she was the Smackdown women’s champion for 280 days. Samantha Irwin introduces the two participants like only she can.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: You may not like it but Logan Paul has found a way to pull off a win. Orton countered KO’s pop-up powerbomb into an RKO but just then Logan Paul shoved him out of the ring. Then he climbs up the top rope and hits Owens with the splash for the referee to count 1… 2 and 3. Still, the United States Champion. LOGAN PAUL.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Oh dear! Randy Orton handed the brass knuckle back to the referee. Why? Because he was about to bring back a move feared by most. The dreaded PUNT KICK. As Paul is right there for the picking, the man inside the Prime bottle pulls Logan out. Turns out it’s Speed, who pays the price as Orton RKOs him on the announce table. He’s pretty much knocked out, safe to say.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Owens goes for the stunner but Randy counters it into an RKO. But not enough to pick up the win as KO kicks out. Logan Paul slithers into the ring with a brass knuckle and even though Orton eventually evades it, he gets punched with it eventually. You would think it’s a pinfall but Orton, somehow, gets his arms up much to the shock of the United States champion. The match continues.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: A veteran, in his 19th WrestleMania plants both Logan Paul and Kevin Owens with a vintage double DDT off the middle rope. Orton lines Paul up for the RKO but he isn't groggy enough so gets out of it. KO then takes advantage. As he goes on to the top rope, Orton tries to suplex KO but loses control. Orton falls and slides out of the ring allowing KO to powerslam Logan Paul off the top rope.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Orton inadvertently goes for the pin and that’s when KO realised alliances don’t last long. Orton and Owens engage in a fist fight before Logan launches himself into a double clothesline. High-flying action ensues as Owens hits both Orton and Paul with a double cannon ball before Randy and Logan compete in an upper-cut extravaganza.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Logan Paul tries to go one up early as he slides out of the ring hoping Orton and Owens will go at each other. Clearly, the ploy doesn’t work as KO and RKO team up to dish a beat down on the host of the 'Impaulsive' podcast. Orton drops Logan back first on the announce table. Kevin Owens then hits him with the Senton. Well, now they are just having fun.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The internet sensation Logan Paul makes quite the stunning entrance, making his way to the arena on a car with the logo Prime on it. Fires some cannon balls on to the WrestleMania logo. Out walks Kevin Owens but not before getting fired up by Sami Zayn. Owens walks out in a gold cart like vehicle but goes back to the ramp when Orton’s music hits. The two then drive down to the ring. Just WrestleMania things, folks

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The five inductees into the WWE Hall of Fame 2024 – Paul Heyman, Mohammad Ali, Lia Miavia, Bull Nakano, The U.S. Express and Thunderbolt Patterson – were lauded and cherished by all as they came out and graced the stage for an audience reaction.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: What a start to WrestleMania as LA Knight hits the BFT on AJ Styles to pick up the win. AJ went for the Styles Clash, but it was countered. He then opted for the Phenomenal Forearm but Knight found a way to negate that too before finally executing his finisher. LA Knight defeats AJ Styles and hopefully, this sets the Megastar up for a bigger role ahead.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: In order to inflict more damage, Knight, takes off the protective padding off the floor but ended up paying the price as Styles counters into a backdrop on the floor. Styles gets back in the ring and tells the referee to count Knight out, who gets back at 9. An irate Styles then tries to 450 splash Knight gets his knee up. This leads to a back and forth swing of punches before Styles hit the Pele Kick.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: As Styles climbs up to the top rope, Knight comes out of nowhere and drops The Phenomenal One on his back all the way to the ring. As both performers gather their breath, Styles is the first to get back on his feet and traps Knight into the Cab Crusher. With the leg already damaged, Styles then grabs Knight's knee around the post and punishes it.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: There’s so much bad blood between the two that they don’t waste much time but Styles gets early advantage to floor Knight off his game. Beats him down mercilessly. Flurry of kicks and suplexes, and Knight can’t catch a break. A triple suplex only makes things worse. Not long into this match – barely 7 minutes – and it’s already turning physical. Both are exhausted.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Oh yes! LA Knight has his shot at retribution as he hopes to set the record straight against AJ Styles here. This is the biggest match of Knight's WWE career. He has been on a high as of late, to an extent that he even faced Roman Reigns not too long ago for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. Brilliant on the mic, neat in the ring. But AJ Styles is here to show who's Boss. They aren't waiting. The match is underway already. Remember, Styles cost LA Knight the match at the Elimination Chamber.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Did we hear YEEEAHHHH?

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: WWE Hall of Famer Snoop Dogg on commentary and Buh-Buh Ray Dudley is your guest referee for this Philly Street Fight Between featuring Bobby Lashley, the Street Profits, Karrion Kross and the AOP. Kross and AOP are on a Kendo Stick assault, first landing a flurry of those on Lashley and then on the Street Profits. And what more? There’s a trash can inside the ring too.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Heartbreak for Drew McIntyre. His World Heavyweight run lasts only a few minutes as Damian Priest successfully cashes in his Money in the Bank contract. McIntyre paid the price for needlessly taunting CM Punk. After mocking him with the infamous DX-gesture, Punk lost it and attacked McIntyre with his arm brace, setting it up for Priest to cash it in. He hits McIntyre with the briefcase outside the ring and then a chokeslam inside to be crowned the new World Heavyweight Champion.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Incredible scenes. It took 4 Claymore Kicks but Drew McInture has done it. Seth Rollins kicked out of three of them but the fourth got a but too much even for Visionary to deal with. 1, 2 and 3. McIntyre realises his dream of winning a world championship in front of a packed crowd. Rollins in tears; emotions unparallelled. This is McIntyre's moment and boy, has he deserved it.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: ‘This is Awesome’ chants resonate through the arena. Back and forth attempted finishers. Some connect. Some don't. Rollins connects another stomp but to no avail. McIntyre lands a Future shock DDT on Rollins, and the second Claymore of the match, and still Seth kicks out. Still no end to drama as McIntyre mocks CM Punk with a GTS gesture. Goes for it but Rollins counters it.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: An extremely happening start to this world title match. Rollins pedigrees McIntyre on the outside as the Scottish Psychopath was busy trash talking CM Punk. Rollins then rolls McIntyre back in the ring and executes his finisher – The Stomp – only for Drew to kick out. In the process though, Seth seems to be favouring his right knee, the one The Rock targetted last night, also the one Rollins hurt a couple of months ago.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Seth Rollins stunned early. As he was caught up in the euphoria of the crowd singalong, the moment the bell rang, Drew McIntyre came running in and connected with a Claymore Kick to Rollins. He kicked out at the last mini-second before Rollins rolls out. Incredible start.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Entrances are a part of superstar’s charisma, and when it’s WrestleMania, they just notch it up a little further. Philadelphia's bagpipe band made the way for Drew McIntyre and now it's Seth Rollins’ turn to get his own entrance. And the crowd is singing along loud and clear as the gang he's come out with take a round around the ring. Rollins looks ready from the outside but you've got to believe, his body would be sore and hurting following the physicality of yesterday's gruesome tag match.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: It's been so long since we saw the OG Diva in a WWE Ring. Stephanie McMahon, last spotted at the Hall of Fame 2 days ago is back here in WrestleMania. If last year, it was Triple H, today it's his wife welcoming the fans by reminding them of the 'Paul Levesque era'. Stephanie resigned from the WWE in January 2023, and what a sight it is to have her back at WrestleMania. She was 12 years old when the first-ever WrestleMania took place and here she is again… all these years later.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The ‘Cult of Personality’ resonates through the arena as CM Punk walks out to take his seat on the commentary table next to Michael Cole, Pat McAfee and Corey Graves. Remember, he is the special commentator for this World Heavyweight Championship match between Seth Rollins and Drew McIntyre. Since Punk returned to the WWE in November, he was in line to face Rollins, but the opportunity passed to Drew as Punk injured himself during the Rumble. Still, the Voice of the Voiceless has been part of this feud with his involvement in segments. Will he play a role with an arm that's still recovering? Well, when it's pro-wrestling, don't count anything out.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The ‘Cult of Personality’ resonates through the arena

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: We’re moment away from the start of Day 2 of WrestleMania. Savour it folks. Treasure it. Preserve it. Do whatever it takes to soak in every moment of the next four off hours. This happens just 2 nights a year. And with The Rock back in action, WrestleMania 40 becomes all the more unique. We don't know how many more matches has The Rock got left.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Here are the 2024 Slammy Award Winners

- Male Superstar of the Year: Cody Rhodes

- Match of the Year: Charlotte Flair vs. Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39

- Female Superstar of the Year: Rhea Ripley

- Best Entrance: Cody Rhodes

- NXT Superstar of the Year: Tiffany Stratton

- Breakout Superstar of the Year: LA Knight

- Rivalry of the Year: Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes

- OMG Moment of the Year: CM Punk returning at Survivor Series

- Faction of the Year: The Judgment Day

- Fan Chant of the Year: LA Knight's "Yeah!"

- Social Star of the Year: Drew McIntyre

- Return of the Year: CM Punk

- Mic Drop of the Year: Paul Heyman

- Rizzie Winner: Seth Rollins

- Villian of the Year: Dominik Mysterio

- Trash Talker of the Year: The Rock

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: LA Knight has been one of the most over superstars in recent history and he makes his WrestleMania debut today against the veteran AJ Styles. Styles has been on a path of destruction since returning a couple of months back and has set his eyes on the red-hot emerging WWE superstar. Styles has gotten the better of Knight during the last two brawls, including the one that broke out between the two at a recent media event. Styles looks bigger since returning, but Knight's rising stocks make him no pushover. A rising star up against a legend is the stuff WrestleMania moments are made of.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Over the last month, speculations that Stone Cold Steve Austin, John Cena and The Undertaker are expected to make an appearance at WrestleMania 40 have been rife. And the internet wrestling community is convinced that at least Austin and Cena will be involved in the main-event picture featuring Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns. The belief is that with The Rock doing all that he can in his power to ensure Reigns walks out as champion, odds will be evened with Austin and Cena returning due to their history with The Rock. Austin and Rock's rivalry dates back to the late 1990s, and Cena and Rocky headlines back-to-back WrestleMania back in 2012 and 2013. Then again, the question lingers. Why would Austin and Cena meddle in someone else's business.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: It was way back in 1999. That's 25 years ago. A quarter of a century. From that card, only The Rock is still wrestling. Rest all have either retired or walked away without announcing it officially. The crowd booed him them; they are jeering him even now. Triple H battled Kane in a losing cause and The Undertaker won his first-ever WrestleMania Hell in a Cell match and Stone Cold Steve Austin won the WWE Championship from The Rock. From the People's Champ main-event the show 25 years ago, to the Final Boss aiding his cousin Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 40, Dwayne Johnson continues to electrify.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The history of WrestleMania in Numbers

- The Undertaker has competed in the most WrestleMania matches: 27

- John Cena has been involved in the WWE title picture at seven straight WrestleManias between 2005 and 2011.

- Triple H has the most ring-time at WrestleMania, at a total of 8 hours and 12 minutes across 24 matches

- Later today, Roman Reigns will surpass Hulk Hogan as the man with most WrestleMania main-events: 9 

- Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart have completed in the longest WrestleMania match of all time. Their Iron-Match match at WrestleMania 12 lasted over 60 minutes.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: There is a reason why the term 'WrestleMania Moment' has a legacy as iconic as the show itself. Each year, one moment from the show promises to stand the test of time. Speaking of which, what has been your favourite WrestleMania moment? Is it Hulk Hogan body-slamming Andre the Giant, The Ultimate Warrior defeating The Hulkster at Maia 6? The beginning of the Austin era in 1998? Or how about the trifecta of Mania matches between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin? Or wait! We got one more. The End of an Era? Any streak matches in particular? Or the one where Brock Lesnar snapped it? Go on, have your say.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: Doesn't it tear you up inside when you have to tear apart something you raised, something you built? Your own brainchild? Well, those are the kind of emotions Bayley must be battling today as she takes on someone who used to be one of her own. In 2022, Bayley formed the faction Damage CTRL, with Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky as the other two members, But if history has proven anything, stables in the WWE eventually explode. Bayley was outcasted from the group when she won her first-ever Royal Rumble earlier this year, setting up her title feud with Iyo Sky later today.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: WOW! Let that sink in. The Apex Predator is a true Mania GOAT. Only two individuals have more WrestleMania appearances than the Viper – The Undertaker and Triple H. Randy Orton, a 13-time World Champion and a bonafide future Hall of Famer, returns to the grandest stage of them all after missing the event last year due to injury. And he slots back right in the title picture as he aims revenge against Logan Paul, who cost him a shot at the World Heavyweight title inside the Elimination Chamber back in February in Perth, Australia. Orton looks like a million bucks. He is jacked and healthy as ever, and with a guarantee that an RKO can come out of nowhere.

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: The opening day of WrestleMania 40 was an absolute smasher! And below are the results

- Rhea Ripley defeated Becky Lynch for the Women's Heavyweight championship

- The Awesome Truth won the Raw tag-team titles, while Grayson Waller and Austin Theory win the Smackdown Titles

- Rey Mysterio and Andrade defeated Dominik Mysterio and Santos Escobar

- Sami Zayn won the Intercontinental Championship from Gunther

- Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill and Naomi beat Damage CTRL

- Jey Uso defeated his brother Jimmy Uso

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: A total of 6 matches to take place today with 4 championships on the line

- Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship

- Seth Rollins vs Drew McIntyre for the World Heavyweight Championship

- Iyo Sky defends the Smackdown Women’s title against Bayley

- Randy Orton vs Logan Paul vs Kevin Owens in a triple-threat match for the United States Championship

- LA Knight takes on AJ Styles

- Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits up against The Final Testament in a Philadelphia Street Fight

WWE WrestleMania 40 Live: We are finally here! Day 2 of the biggest event in sports entertainment. WrestleMania 40 where Cody Rhodes will have a final shot at finishing his story against Roman Reigns for the WWE Undisputed Universal Heavyweight Championship. But in doing so, Rhodes faces the biggest test of his career yet, as following yesterday's loss, he battles Reigns in a Bloodline Rules match. Which basically means… well, that there are no rules. Anything goes, everything is legal. And as the Rock said, he will do everything in his power to make sure that the title continues to stay around the waist of his cousin.

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