Vincenzo ending explained - Does Vincenzo find love again? Or does it end with a brief encounter with Cha-Young?

Vincenzo ending explained - Does Vincenzo find love again? Or does it end with a brief encounter with Cha-Young?

3 months ago | 33 Views

Vincenzo has successfully cemented its place as a global K-drama favourite, captivating audiences with its thrilling blend of crime, vengeance, and a sprinkle of romance. While the drama goes all-out with action and suspense, the real magic lies in the charming chemistry between Song Joong-Ki and Jeon Yeo-Been. Despite their characters having limited romantic screentime, their undeniable spark and playful dynamic fueled the hearts of viewers. This unexpected yet powerful connection is a testament to the outstanding performances of both actors.

Vincenzo plot

The K-drama delves into the thrilling journey of a Korean-born Italian mafia lawyer (Consigliere) named Vincenzo Cassano, who finds himself drawn back to his roots. During his visit to South Korea, he embarks on a mission that interlinks vengeance, redemption, and the pursuit of justice. As he navigates the complexities of a powerful company, Babel, he sets up a masterful plan to confront the notorious owner of the company, Jang Jun-Woo, who is known for being corrupt and exploitative. With a blend of cunning strategy and unwavering determination, Vincenzo delivers poetic justice to the nation as well as his lawyer partner, Hong Cha-Young’s father’s murder.

How does Vincenzo end?

After giving the cruellest punishment to Jang Jun-Woo, bringing justice to his long-lost mother’s death and saving the love of his life, Vincenzo and Cha-Young share an emotional moment at the hospital. Later, he returns to Italy, where he originally lived. A year later, he returns to Seoul to reunite with Cha-Young, and together they indulge in a heartwarming hug, sealing their bond with a kiss and a promise to meet again.

The makers leave the climax open to interpretation. The ending doesn't spoon-feed answers about whether Vincenzo and Cha-Young end up together or whether he again flew back to Italy.

What to expect from the ending?

As the makers hint at Vincenzo’s return to Italy, we can expect his rise to power within the criminal environment. and this time not only as a lawyer but as a mafia king as well. When he explains to Cha-Young what he did for one year in Italy, we get to understand that he has earned the title of being the crime boss. This meteoric ascent doesn't stop here. Vincenzo also explains that he has set his eyes on expanding his crime empire in Italy. While pouring a sprinkle of comedy, he also stated that he has made a beautiful and separate place for Cha-Young there, where they can live happily together. Although it seems comical, it gives a ray of hope to the viewers.

By mirroring this scene, the makers cleverly suggest that Vincenzo himself attained a similar level of power and influence as his Italian foster father, who was the actual mafia.

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