Rings of Power: Tyroe Muhafidin thinks it would be ‘cool’ if Theo turns out to be the Witch King

Rings of Power: Tyroe Muhafidin thinks it would be ‘cool’ if Theo turns out to be the Witch King

6 months ago | 65 Views

An actor's process is a thing to behold. Some prepare for their roles with help from their director's notes, some learn piano, and some even send torture co-stars with dead rodents. The Generation Z of actors has also figured out its own way of soaking into their characters, ask Tyroe Muhafidin, who plays human Theo in the Lord of the Rings prequel series The Rings of Power.

Tyroe, an 18-year-old Australian actor, harnessed the power of TikTok to prepare for his role four years ago. He made a burner account on the app and hacked the algorithm to only get info, fan-generated content about Lord of the Rings and its extended universe. In an interview with HT, he revealed that 4 years on, the account is still active and one he uses to still keep updated with the ever-expanding lore of LOTR.

Fans theories

“I literally was on it like yesterday. It still has zero followers, no one has found it. If anyone ever finds it, I want you to screenshot it and send it to me. You cannot find this account, and the username is something that I would make it,” he dropped a hint for us.

Did he come across a crazy fan-theory on his Rings-Tok? “There was a really cool one that Theo was actually Halbrand, and that it was two different timelines. It said that Southlands was actually just Halbrand’s backstory and how he ended up where he was, which I thought was really cool, which was obviously wrong, but that, I thought that, that was one of my favourites."

We could notice that he didn't mention the most potent theory of them all about Theo. Fans are eagerly waiting for the origin story of the Witch-King of Angmar: The evil, Death Eater-type who made life hell for Frodo Baggins and his friends in JRR Tolkiens's beloved fantasy novel. Some are even hoping that Theo would eventually be revealed as the Lord of the Nazgûl.

When we asked him about it, Tyroe said, “I mean, it would be cool. I mean, I don't know what I could say.”

Theo-Arondir's team-up

Tyroe shares most of his scenes this season with Ismael Cruz Cordova's Elf soldier Arondir. With Bronwyn's departure from the show, the men she left behind find company and family in each other. With Arondir assuming the role of Theo's step-daddy.

Ismael teases, “We have major decisions to make this season, very quick. You know, Sauron is here, and darkness has arrived, and you have to figure out what your, what your place is in here, and your contribution. And then a few other things happen that kind of sent our, our stories like, a first bend. It moves very quickly, and a lot of major stuff happens.”

Ismael also realises the unfair treatment metted out to Arondir. “The guy has been two seasons, and I don't know if he's smiled once. He's also such a romantic, and I don't think he also was expecting to find love. He was not expecting to be a stepdad. He was not expecting to be a leader, you know. And reality is that he doesn't get much credit for anything that he does at all. Like he led the Southlands, and did all these things, and then, you know, some of the other elves came in, and then the Numenoreans were like, we'll take it from here. I was like, I already opened the jar, you know. They were like, ah, it was like alright, alright guys, whatever.”

Rings of Power season 2 released on Prime Video on August 29 with first three episodes. The rest 5 will get weekly drops.

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