No Gain No Love episode 6 review: It’s time for a lot of mystery and some of it unfolding slowly in Kim Young-dae and Shin Min-ah’s show

No Gain No Love episode 6 review: It’s time for a lot of mystery and some of it unfolding slowly in Kim Young-dae and Shin Min-ah’s show

6 months ago | 84 Views


Ji-uk has confessed that he is Hae-hyeong’s husband in their office, in front of the management. Now, he is doing everything in his power to stay true to his word, while Hae-yeong tries to handle the situation her way.


Episode 6 of No Gain No Love begins where episode 5 ended - with Kim Young-dae's Ji-uk confessing that he is the husband of Shin Min-ah's Hae-yeong. This left her stunned because she wanted to keep it a secret at the office to avoid gossip and blame games over even a single failure. We get to see inside the mind of Hae-yeong, and once again, you are transported to the fun from episode 1. Yes, the middle finger scene is here, too.

The confession brings in a lot of wrath. Soon after, HR Yi-lin (Jeon Hye-won) brings in a moment of laughter.

Ja-yeon (Han Ji-hyun)'s story is explored further in this episode. As soon as that happens, Lee Sang-yi's presence as Gyu-hyun brings about laughs. They finally begin their romance in the little moments, and the chemistry very much exists.

The makers manage to leave you confused, in a good way, with a scene where you get confused if it is Hae-yeong or Ja-yeong. It is when you see Ji-uk with his epic facial expressions that you know the answer.

Ji-uk is hurt, and the conversation from there is the cutest you would have seen in a while. They are also very much in their characters, so the reactions are something you expect, but the scene in itself is cuteness overloaded.

Believe it or not, there is a point where Ji-uk and Hae-yeong are one unit, fighting against the world. The first target is Ahn U-Jae (Song Won-seok), who is his not in his comic element but still works because of the theme of the scene.

The original and unintentional matchmaker for Ji-uk and Hae-yeong, Ms. Kong (Kim Hye-hwa), is here, and while she is good, it is Young-dae's Ji-uk and his charm, which work wonders again, like every single time. Treating the scene like a video game really works in everybody's favour.

Bok Gyu-un, who had reported her, gets in limelight before he actually comes in the frame. Unfortunately for Hae-yeong, Gyu-un, you can guess, is CEO Bok Gyu-hyun's brother. And just when you think where will things go, Ja-yeon changes the game.

The way Hae-yeong and Ji-uk's chemistry develops is beautiful. Their scenes together are lovely to watch, for they all scream of the unspoken love between them. Just when you think it cannot get more beautiful than it already is, the bond between them makes your heart melt more than ever. This is for the ring scene and everything that Ji-uk does after. He proves to be a true blue husband, even if he's officially the fake one on the show.

The series is incomplete if Ahn and Hae-yeong do not meet and compete. So, if it happens again. And Ahn takes the full opportunity.

Ji-uk's story is also explored a little, surprisingly, with Gyu-hyun. They have a surprisingly good equation for someone who just met.

And Ji-uk's flirting with Hae-yeon just doesn't end (nor do we want it to). Even in awkward moments, these two set couple goals.

Secretary Yeo is in his element, but Gyu-hyun, as always, shines in front of him. A lot that was kept under the wraps so far, slowly starts unfolding. Many characters meet, but unfortunately, their stories are not developed in the right manner. That is, till there are hints about the lives of Ji-uk and Gyu-hyun being connected.

The end of the episode again leaves you in splits. But, you are left confused about whether that is a nightmare or reality.


No Gain No Love episode 6 begins on a high note. The vibe is similar to what you had when the show began. There’s crazy, there’s innocent love and there’s a shroud of mystery, but overall, there’s happiness. However, the focus shifts to the mysterious side of Ji-uk’s life in the second half and even though it tries to pull you in, it stretches for a bit too long. So, definitely not the best episode in the series.

Read Also: No Gain No Love episode 5 review: Kim Young-dae's Ji-uk shines again

