Women's mental health: Warning signs to look out for, 7 empowering tips to take charge

Women's mental health: Warning signs to look out for, 7 empowering tips to take charge

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In today's society, even though awareness regarding mental health has increased, it is still not being adopted by all folks and the challenges faced by women, in particular are often ignored. It is important to address the mental health needs of women because they experience unique stressors and challenges such as societal expectations, hormonal changes and caregiving duties.

Focusing on these issues will allow you to help women, promote gender equality and improve their overall health and resilience.

Why Women Should Prioritise Their Mental Health?

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Swati Dubey, Counselling Psychologist - Dept of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences at Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai, shared, “Women need to prioritise their mental well-being for several key reasons. Women tend to face more societal demands and responsibilities, such as balancing work, family, and home life. This can lead to increased pressure and anxiety. Additionally, women are more susceptible to specific mental health conditions like Depression and stress, due to biological factors, hormonal changes, and life events like pregnancy or menopause. Ignoring mental health can have significant impacts on women's lives as well as those of their families and communities. By prioritising their mental well-being, women can live happier and more fulfilling lives.”

Signs Indicating the Need for Mental Health Support in Women:

Swati Dubey asserted that as a woman, if you notice the following warning signs related to your physical or psychological health, it is important to consider seeking mental health support -

  1. Lingering Sadness: Women who experience constant feeling of sadness, hopelessness, or a sense of worthlessness may require assistance and proper care and support to help them identify the intensity of their persistent mood.
  2. Extreme Shifts in the Mood: Rapid and noticeable mood changes, from feeling "on top of the world" to deeply sad or irritable, could indicate underlying mental health issues.
  3. Experiencing Anxiety: Uncontrollable feelings of fear and worry, particularly about an event that is yet to happen, accompanied by physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat or sweating, may warrant professional attention.
  4. Appetite or Sleep Disturbances: Drastic changes in eating habits or sleep patterns, such as extreme hunger or insomnia, can be signs of mental health concerns.
  5. Emotional and Social Withdrawal: Abrupt or gradual social isolation may indicate emotional stress or depression.
  6. Energy and Motivation Issues: Constant fatigue, low energy, or lack of drive-in daily activities may be signs of mental health problems.
  7. Cognitive Challenges: Difficulty focusing, making decisions, or remembering things may be a red flag for mental health issues.
  8. Risky Behaviours: Engaging in dangerous actions like drug abuse, self-harm, or dangerous driving may signify a need for mental health support.
  9. Physical Symptoms: Recurring physical ailments without a clear cause, such as headaches, may be linked to mental health concerns, where the emotional troubles and difficulties will be seen as physical manifestations.

How Women Can Take Charge of Their Mental Health?

According to Swati Dubey, women can empower themselves to take charge of their mental health through a variety of proactive strategies and self-care practices, such as -

  1. Prioritise Self-Care: Make time for activities that promote your well-being, such as hobbies, exercise, or relaxation techniques.
  2. Establish Boundaries: Identify and enforce limits in relationships and commitments to protect your mental and emotional health.
  3. Build Support Networks: Connect with people who support and understand you. Rely on their encouragement and seek professional assistance when necessary.
  4. Practicing Mindfulness: Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings without having any judgment will help you gain clarity to make better/informed decisions and manage stress.
  5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat healthy and nutritious foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. These habits can improve both your physical and mental well-being.
  6. Cope with Stress Healthily: Identify what stresses you out.
  7. Develop Strategies to Manage Stress: Managing your time well, giving tasks to others, and seeking professional help for stress management.

What are the Benefits of Prioritising Mental Health?

Swati Dubey answered, “When women invest on their mental well-being, it brings numerous advantages tailored to their specific needs. It enables them to navigate the challenges of balancing various roles and responsibilities. Improved mental health strengthens their emotional resilience, allowing them to cope better with societal expectations, hormonal changes, and life transitions. Prioritizing their mental well-being enhances their ability to build fulfilling relationships, pursue their goals, and maintain a sense of overall balance. By investing in their mental health, women empower themselves, leading to healthier and more fulfilling lives that contribute to gender equality.”

She concluded, “Women must prioritise their mental health and get support that meets their specific needs. Women experience challenges and pressures that can affect their mental well-being, such as societal demands, hormonal changes, and caring for others. By recognising and addressing these gender-based issues and offering tailored support, women will be able to overcome numerous obstacles in life with strength and self-assurance.”

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