Woman who lost 15 kg without tracking calories shares 'controversial' food opinions on weight loss

Woman who lost 15 kg without tracking calories shares 'controversial' food opinions on weight loss

3 months ago | 5 Views

A fitness influencer who lost about 15 kg without tracking her calories recently shared some ‘controversial’ food opinions in an Instagram post. When we think of weight loss, things like not eating your favourite dishes, working out every day, and skipping carbs come to mind. However, according to fitness coach Laura Dennison, you can lose weight while following some not-so-popular reminders like snacking, not avoiding eating out, and not taking protein supplements. Scroll down to know what she said.

‘Controversial’ food opinions to keep in mind while losing weight

In her posts, Laura shared tips she follows in her daily routine that ensures she doesn't miss out on the things she likes while maintaining her health. The fitness influencer said that she enjoys snacking throughout the day without setting a specific meal time, doesn't avoid eating out and just focuses on portion control, says no to protein supplements, and more. Check out her suggestions below.

  1. You don't always have to have set meal times. Some days, I just pick up and snack throughout the day.
  2. You don't have to avoid eating out if you are trying to lose weight. You just have to monitor your portions and stop when you are full.
  3. Unless you are trying to be a bodybuilder or an athlete, you really don't have to be militant about getting loads of protein. Some meals, I barely have any.

4. On the subject of protein, I think protein supplements are trash. I would much rather get mine from real food sources.

5. If you have a calorie deficit, you are going to experience hunger. I'm sorry if that is triggering to you (I'm not, lol), but being hungry occasionally is normal.

6. It's okay to eat what you fancy just because you fancy it. You don't have to overeat just because something is labelled as a snack. If I eat cake for lunch and it fills me up, I'm not going to eat more for the sake of it. That is not being intuitive.

Apart from maintaining a healthy relationship with food, one also needs to give importance to rest time. According to research led by Daniel Brayson, University of Westminster, rest days are important when you work out regularly. 

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