Winter's Impact: Understanding Prostate Health Risks for Men Over 60

Winter's Impact: Understanding Prostate Health Risks for Men Over 60

2 months ago | 5 Views

Winter has arrived, and as temperatures decline, it becomes crucial for men to prioritize their prostate health. In a discussion with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Raghavendra Kulkarni, a Consultant Urologist at the Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology in Secunderabad, stated, “The prostate gland is susceptible to cold conditions, which may worsen existing urinary symptoms or even lead to the emergence of new ones. Similar to the body’s natural reaction to lower temperatures, the prostate gland exhibits a comparable response.”

Enlargement of the Prostate gland and overactive bladder: 

“Enlargement of the prostate gland can compress the urethra, thereby impacting urination. This condition is particularly prevalent with advancing age, especially after 60 years. An overactive bladder is characterized by the involuntary contraction of the bladder muscles, which disrupts normal urination. While these two health issues are independent, they can occur simultaneously. Approximately 75% of patients with benign prostatic enlargement are reported to experience an overactive bladder,” Dr. Raghavendra Kulkarni elaborated.

The impact of cold weather on prostate health:

“Cold stress activates the nervous system, specifically the sympathetic nervous system, leading to the contraction of the prostate and bladder muscles. Notably, during colder months, the body experiences minimal insensible fluid loss through sweating. To maintain fluid balance, the body compensates by producing larger volumes of urine, resulting in increased frequency of urination,” the Urologist explained.

Can winter trigger prostate problems?

The doctor also noted that hormonal changes induced by cold weather can further contribute to diuresis. "In colder conditions, individuals tend to stay indoors and consume more hot beverages. Both caffeinated and non-caffeinated drinks can enhance diuresis,” Dr. Raghavendra Kulkarni added.

The urologist noted that men aged 60 and above are at a heightened risk for these conditions during the winter months. He stated, "It is evident that men over the age of 60 are more susceptible to benign prostate gland enlargement, overactive bladder, or a combination of both. Approximately 50% of individuals are reported to experience symptoms. Cold weather tends to exacerbate these issues."

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