Why dermatologists recommend daily sunscreen? Discover its long-term benefits for skin health

Why dermatologists recommend daily sunscreen? Discover its long-term benefits for skin health

3 months ago | 40 Views

Sunscreen is a crucial part of our daily skincare routine. Be it summers, winters, outdoors or indoors, we are constantly exposed to high and harmful Ultraviolet rays that damage our skin's DNA cells, leading to various skin issues. Wearing sunscreen is the best favour one can do to his future self. It not only protects you from sun damage and skin tanning but also from premature ageing and skin cell damage. While spending time outdoors is healthy and helps you intake Vitamin D, excessive exposure to the sun can cause various damages to the skin's overall health.

Even being indoors, you're still getting a hefty dose of sun's rays through your windows and windshields. Dermatologists recommend using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days.

Long-term Benefits of Using Sunscreen Daily

Dr Samridhi Sharma, Clinical Research Associate and Skin Expert, Fixderma India Pvt Ltd., shared with HT Lifestyle some long-term benefits of incorporating sunscreen into your daily routine.

1. Maintains skin barrier

The skin barrier is composed of lipids, which can be damaged by UV radiations. Sunscreen absorbs or reflects UV radiation, preventing it from penetrating the skin and causing damage to the skin cells.

2. Protection against sunburn

Sunscreen blocks the UVB rays, which are majorly responsible for the sunburns. UVB rays are known to penetrate even the clouds, which makes it more important to wear sunscreen even on cloudy days.

3. Reduces the risk of irregular pigmentation

UV rays stimulate the production of melanin, leading to uneven skin tone and hyperpigmentation. By shielding the skin from UV radiation, sunscreen prevents triggering the process, resulting in an even and radiant complexion.

4. A preventive measure for premature ageing

Sun exposure can cause skin ageing at an early age. UV radiation can lead to forming wrinkles by breaking down collagen and elastin. Sunscreen prevents the formation of age spots, freckles, and wrinkles that make you appear old even at a young age.

5. Reduces inflammation

Excessive absorption of sunlight on unprotected skin can also cause painful redness and inflammation. This can be especially challenging for people with sensitive skin. They should avoid harsh formulas and look for sunscreen with gentle ingredients such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

6. Lowers the risk of skin cancer

A Harvard study shows that sunscreen does protect you against all three of the most common skin cancers: squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The degree of protection that sunscreen provides is directly related to the degree to which ultraviolet radiation is associated with the formation of skin cancer.

As the current temperature has been above par, dermatologists recommend keeping a check on peak hours according to the geographical location, as the sun's rays can do more damage than usual. But sunscreen is not just a summer bag essential - it's a daily must-have to safeguard your skin from harmful UV rays. So, let's make it a habit of reapplying sunscreen every 3 hours, every day, all year round, and encourage our loved ones to do the same.

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