What to pack for your kid’s lunch tomorrow? Skip mayo, make this healthy sandwiches with this homemade spread

What to pack for your kid’s lunch tomorrow? Skip mayo, make this healthy sandwiches with this homemade spread

1 month ago | 23 Views

Children love mayonnaise as a sandwich spread. Mayo has a creamy texture that makes the sandwich tasty for the kids. And generally, among parents, it's a popular choice for sandwich spread. But mayo every day in the sandwich is unhealthy. Regular consumption increases the risk of early heart disease. High in saturated fats, it makes your child gain weight.

Even though the cheesy texture overshadows health concerns for the kids, as parents it’s a prime responsibility to ensure they eat healthy. So, this time, go healthy and international for your kid’s lunch. Make your kids this delicious Lebanese Tahini Sandwich that’s easy to make, healthy, and delicious. The tahini spread is homemade and has the same kind of creaminess as mayo but is substantially healthier. This Lebanese sandwich is delicious, and packed with veggies and good nutrients. The Tahini spread is versatile and can be enjoyed as a sandwich spread, as well as a dip for falafels, lavash, or even plain old nachos. Unhealthy dips are also easily replaceable with this homemade tahini spread.


⅓ cup Sesame Seeds

3 Tbsp Olive Oil

½ tsp Lemon Juice

3 green Chilli


6 Garlic cloves

⅓ cup Hung Curd

½ Tsp Pepper Powder

Fresh Coriander





  1. In a blender, add roasted sesame seeds, garlic cloves, chillies, lemon juice, and olive oil. Grind until you achieve a smooth paste.
  2. Now for the tahini spread, in a mixing bowl, take hung curd, the tahini paste just made, pepper, salt, chilli, and freshly chopped coriander. Mix everything well.
  3. Evenly spread this on the bread slices and add the veggies of your choice. Cucumbers and tomatoes are some popular choices. The sandwich is ready.

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