What is Hematuria? Causes, early signs, prevention tips to know

What is Hematuria? Causes, early signs, prevention tips to know

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Hematuria refers to the presence of blood in urine. It can be microscopic, to very obvious, to not being visible at all. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr Mukund Andankar, Urologist at Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai Central, said, “Hematuria means presence of blood in urine. It can be enough to change the color of urine (gross hematuria) or so small in quantity that it can only be seen under a microscope (microscopic hematuria).”

Hematuria: Causes

The Urologist further explained the causes of hematuria - Urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, bladder or kidney tumors or cancer, enlarged prostate, intense exercise and injury to the kidneys or urinary tract.

Hematuria: Early signs

- Blood in the urine, which might look pink, red, or cola-colored

- Pain or burning when you pee

- Frequent urge to urinate

- Pain in your side or lower back

- Fever (if there's an infection)

- Passing blood clots in your urine

Hematuria: Treatment options

The treatment options of Hematuria depend on the diagnosis and the cause. The diagnosis involves testing the blood and the urine, and also performing imaging tests such as ultrasound or CT scan. In some cases, the test to look inside the bladder with a small camera (cystoscopy) and perform biopsy may also be done.

For infections: Antibiotics are prescribed to cure the infection.

For stones: Pain relief medication, drinking lots of water, and possibly procedures to remove stones are recommended.

For tumours: Treatment like surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation is prescribed after diagnosis.

For enlarged prostrate: The doctor recommends medication or surgery depending on the severity of the condition.

Hematuria: Prevention tips

Drinking water: The Urologist recommended drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated and keep the body healthy.

Avoid strenuous exercise: Too much stressful exercise can lead to blood in urine. Hence. We should consult an expert before taking up a workout routine.

Avoid smoking: Smoking and tobacco usage should be stopped completely, as they lead to cancer. Cancer can also cause hematuria.

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