What causes hay fever? 5 environmental allergens to be wary of

What causes hay fever? 5 environmental allergens to be wary of

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The allergens in the environment can have an impact on your health. Hay fever is one condition that can caused due to allergens. This presents itself through respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, headache, and hay fever, which can result from pollen, dust, or air pollution. While the allergy is widespread in the spring and autumn months, it is not considered to be dangerous. There are simple lifestyle changes, as well as therapies and saline solutions that can help you prevent the fever and feel better. Avoiding allergens that can lead to the ailment should also be avoided at any cost.

What is hay fever?

Hay fever, scientifically called allergic rhinitis, is a form of allergy caused by environmental factors such as pollen from various plants, mould, and pet fur. A study, published by the National Institutes of Health, states that hay fever affects the the upper airways. “Common complaints associated with hay fever include severe sneezing, watery eyes, runny or blocked noses, and excessive tiredness at specific times of the year, mainly during spring and autumn,” explains ENT specialist Dr Jyotirmay S Hegde. However, hay fever can be managed by various medications, nasal sprays and avoiding allergens.

Symptoms of hay fever

To determine whether a person has hay fever, he or she may check for the presence of the following common symptoms:

  • Sneezing: Episodes of frequent and uncontrollable spasms of sneezing.
  • Runny or stuffy nose: Clear watery discharge from the nose, or nasal congestion (blockage).
  • Itchy eyes: Red, teary, or scratchy eyes also with swelling.
  • Itchy throat or mouth: A feeling of the throat being scratchy, causing a feeling of discomfort.
  • Coughing: A dry cough associated with post-nasal drip.
  • Fatigue: An abnormal state of feeling tired or drained of energy most particularly during the allergy season.
  • Headache: The feeling of fullness in the sinuses may also result in headaches.

What are the causes of hay fever?

Many factors in the environment play a role in causing the fever:

1. Pollen

During March to September, in the US, trees usually have the highest levels of pollen. This is followed by grasses in late spring or summer, and then there is green pollen again in late summer or autumn usually from weeds> This can lead to hay fever. states a study, published in Scientific Reports. When inhaled, pollen grains may affect the immune system, causing sneezing or itchy eyes among other symptoms. Pollen allergies in kids are common as well.

2. Mould spores

Mould spores and growth can be found in any damp space whether inside or outside, as they are easily released in the air, especially when there is high humidity. These can also cause allergic reactions. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America states that these spores get into your nose and cause rhinitis symptoms. These then get to the lungs and cause asthma.

3. Dust mites

Dust mites are microscopic parasites found in dust, carpets, bedding, and furnished furniture all year round. Their excreta and parts may be released into the air causing an allergic reaction in people. However, a research paper, published by the National Institutes of Health, states that dust mites do not cause hay fever all the time. Most of the times, they cause milder symptoms than those present in hay fever.

4. Cockroach droppings

These insects are usually found in places like kitchens and bathrooms. They also possess the capability of causing allergies through their faeces, saliva, or the shedding of body parts. The American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, states that the saliva, faeces and shedding body parts of cockroaches are what trigger both asthma and allergies. When these are kicked up in the air, they impact our health.

A woman with a headacheDust, pollen and air pollution can cause hay fever. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

5. Other environmental factors

Air pollution in the form of smoke and other harmful gases can facilitate the development of allergic reactions. Climate states such as high heat, low humidity and strong winds also tend to help in the dispersal of pollen in the surroundings, while wet weather conditions encourage the growth of moulds. All this can lead to the hay fever. Research published by the Medical University of Vienna, states that the most important parameters of air pollution parameters such as matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and ozone cause an increase in the severity of symptom of pollen allergies.

Diagnosis of hay fever

To determine if a person has hay fever, his or her medical history is often assessed in detail which includes an account of symptoms, their onset, duration and associated signs which may involve reaction to specific allergens.

The next step is a physical examination of the patient, in which the nose and throat are particularly assessed for signs of inflammation and swelling.

In the diagnosis of hay fever, allergy tests may also be conducted for the identification of risk allergens or blood tests measuring the level of IGE in the blood. “Additionally, a nasal endoscopy which involves the use of flexible tubes with cameras fitted at their tips may be done to check the nasal cavity for any problems,” says Dr Hegde.

How to treat hay fever?

There are a few ways to treat this allergic condition:

1. Trigger avoidance

It is important to avoid allergens that can potentially cause the condition. This may include being indoors during high pollen levels particularly early mornings and late afternoon hours with the windows shut. Other strategies would be putting on clean clothes and bathing to rid the body of pollen after staying outside.

2. Immunotherapy

This treatment may work for people who report persistent symptoms. It includes shots that gradually decrease a person's sensitivity to allergens or dissolvable tablets that are placed under the tongue and are much easier to take at home.

3. Alternative therapy

Saline nasal rinses will help remove allergens and help with the swelling. Butterbur extracts may also help relieve symptoms, but one should consult a doctor before taking any herbal treatment.

4. Lifestyle changes

The impact of smoke on health is tremendous. Change your current schedule to make sure to include anti-inflammatory elements, keeping the surroundings clean and employing HEPA filters in vacuums and air purifiers can in addition alleviate symptoms and enhance general health.

A woman rubbing her eyesWatery eyes is a symptom of hay fever. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

How to prevent hay fever?

People suffering from hay fever may take a variety of preventive measures. When coming back from outside, it is best to take a shower and change clothes to get rid of any allergens that may be on them. Furthermore, knowing when the pollen count is high or low helps to understand the best times to go outdoors. This helps reduce exposure to triggers. Adhering to all these preventative measures helps in reducing the chances of suffering from hay fever.

Is hay fever dangerous?

Hay fever is generally not considered dangerous, but proper management and maintenance care is important in order to avoid falling sick often and lead a healthy life.

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