Walking will not make your parents fit and healthy? Fitness coach shares why it's not enough

Walking will not make your parents fit and healthy? Fitness coach shares why it's not enough

1 month ago | 5 Views

To stay fit, senior citizens often turn to walking. It is considered easy, effective and not overly intensive. But is it truly as beneficial as it seems? Navneeth Ramprasad @getfitwithnav on Instagram shared how it’s a misconception that walking takes care of all the fitness needs of senior citizens.

He added, “Let me explain—walking is fantastic for keeping them active and should be part of their daily routine, especially after meals. However, it’s not enough to qualify as real exercise, especially as they grow older. Once they hit their 50s, your parents need to focus on building muscle mass to prevent injuries and live a pain-free life. Walking alone doesn’t help retain or build muscle.”

He listed out a few simple exercises for strength training. Navneeth Ramprasad suggested carrying a resistance band. A resistance band is an elastic band that helps with strength training. It stretches out the joints and promotes flexibility.

Other than just simple walking, it added more necessary variation as walking is not a true exercise in old age. This incorporation of strength training with a resistance band also addresses areas like muscle building, strength and flexibility, which walking alone cannot fully improve.

3 essential strength training exercises

  1. Rows for back strength: Pull the band towards your torso with a straight back to work the back muscles and arms.
  2. Knee Extensions for leg and joint health: Secure the band, then extend the knee forward to strengthen the quads and improve joint mobility.
  3. Presses to strengthen the shoulders and arms: Push the band overhead from shoulder height to work the shoulder muscles and arms.

Building muscle mass

He further explained the nature of walking in maintaining fitness among senior citizens and said, “Building muscle mass is the key to staying strong and healthy as you age! This is a reminder for all parents who think walking can make up for their diet. Walking is a great social activity, but it’s not enough for proper exercise for seniors.” Adding resistance training makes sure that seniors can prevent injuries, maintain balance, and enjoy a more pain-free and independent life.

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