Try shoulder shrugs to ease shoulder and neck pain

Try shoulder shrugs to ease shoulder and neck pain

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Do you spend most of your time sitting and slouching in front of a laptop? If so, your neck and shoulders are prone to suffering from pain and stiffness. Over time, neglecting this discomfort can lead to chronic issues that significantly impact your quality of life. However, strengthening these muscles can help relieve tension and improve mobility. One of the best exercises for this purpose is shoulder shrug. This exercise specifically targets the trapezius muscle, which plays a crucial role in the movement of your shoulder blades, upper back, and neck. Know how to do shoulder shrugs correctly to reap these benefits and enhance flexibility.

What is the shoulder shrug exercise?

Shoulder shrugs are a resistance exercise that targets the upper trapezius muscles, which are located on either side of your neck and control the movement of your shoulder blades, upper back, and neck. Usually, people perform this exercise to strengthen shoulder muscles, improve posture and stability, and relieve tension in the neck and shoulders. "This exercise is especially beneficial for enhancing muscle endurance and reducing the risk of injuries in the upper body," explains fitness expert Mukul Nagpaul. However, people with neck or shoulder injuries should either avoid or be cautious when performing shoulder shrugs. It is essential to use proper form and start with lighter weights to avoid strain.

How to do shoulder shrugs?

To do a shoulder shrug in the right way and reduce strain on your shoulder and neck muscles, follow these 7 steps:

1. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging straight down by your sides. Note: You can perform the exercise without weights as well.

2. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and core engaged. Ensure your head is in a neutral position and you look straight.

3. Take a deep breath in, preparing for the movement.

4. As you exhale, raise your shoulders straight up towards your ears. Focus on contracting the trapezius muscles during this motion.

5. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds to maximise muscle engagement. Avoid rolling your shoulders because the movement should be vertical.

6. Slowly lower your shoulders back to the starting position while inhaling. Maintain control throughout the movement to ensure proper form.

7. Perform 10-15 repetitions for 2-3 sets. You can increase the number of reps as you strengthen your shoulders.

neck pain This exercise will ease neck and shoulder pain. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

If you are performing this exercise to ease shoulder or neck pain, ensure you maintain good form and avoid any jerking motions.

Mistakes to avoid with a shoulder shrug

To avoid the risk of any injury or increase the existing pain, make sure you avoid these 5 mistakes:

1. Using excessive weight: Many people start with weights that are too heavy. This can lead to poor form and potential strain. Therefore, it is better to start light and gradually increase resistance as strength improves.

2. Poor posture: Failing to maintain a straight back can lead to unnecessary tension in the spine. Ensure your posture is upright with your shoulders relaxed before starting the shrug movement.

3. Shrugging too high: Lifting the shoulders excessively high can strain the neck muscles. "Focus on raising your shoulders to ear level, hold it for a few seconds, and then get back to the starting position," suggests Nagpaul.

4. Rounding the shoulders: Allowing the shoulders to roll forward can lead to improper muscle engagement. Keep your shoulders back and straight while performing the exercise to target the trapezius effectively.

5. Inconsistent breathing: Holding your breath during the exercise can lead to tension. Breathe out as you raise your shoulders and inhale as you lower them, maintaining a steady rhythm.

What are the benefits of a shoulder shrug?

Shoulder shrugs are a simple yet effective exercise primarily targeting the trapezius muscles in the upper back and shoulders. They offer numerous benefits for overall fitness, posture, and injury prevention. Here are five key benefits:

1. Strengthens the trapezius muscles

The primary muscle worked during shoulder shrugs is the trapezius, which extends from the back of the head down to the middle of the back. Strengthening this muscle helps improve shoulder stability and enhances performance in various upper-body movements, such as lifting and pulling.

2. Reduces neck pain

Shoulder shrugs can help reduce neck and shoulder pain by strengthening the muscles that support these areas, reveals a 2017 review published by the South African Society of Physiotherapy. By promoting better muscle balance and alleviating tension, they can ease discomfort caused by poor posture or muscle tightness. When you practice it regularly, shoulder shrugs encourage relaxation in the upper back and neck.

woman with neck painA shoulder shrug can help you get rid of neck and shoulder stiffness. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

3. Improves posture

Our busy lifestyle often leads to slouching, which can result in poor posture. "Regularly practicing shoulder shrugs can help counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and slumping, promoting better alignment of the spine and shoulders," says Nagpaul. This is not only important to look more confident but it also reduces strain on the neck and upper back.

4. Prevents the risk of injury

Strong trapezius muscles help support the neck and shoulders, reducing the risk of injuries. Shoulder shrugs can strengthen these muscles, making them more resilient against strains and overuse injuries, particularly for those engaged in sports or physical activities.

5. Enhances mobility and reduces stress

Performing shoulder shrugs can increase the range of motion in the shoulders. This is beneficial for various daily activities and sports, as it allows for greater flexibility and ease of movement in the upper body. Plus, this shoulder exercise can also help alleviate tension or stress, promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being.

Who should avoid shoulder shrugs?

While the shoulder shrug exercise is safe and quite beneficial to improve shoulder and neck mobility and flexibility, people with certain conditions should avoid this exercise. Those with acute neck or shoulder injuries or severe arthritis may exacerbate their pain by performing this or any other intense shoulder exercise. Additionally, individuals recovering from recent surgeries in the shoulder or upper back should refrain from it until a healthcare professional allows it. Nagpaul tells, “It is also advisable for anyone with chronic headache or tension-related issues to consult a doctor before including shoulder shrugs in their daily routine.”

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about shoulder shrugs

1. Can I do shoulder shrugs every day?

Yes, you can do shoulder shrugs daily, especially if your goal is to build strength and improve muscle endurance. However, it is essential to listen to your body and allow for rest if you feel any discomfort or strain.

2. How much weight should I use while doing shoulder shrugs?

Start with a weight that allows you to perform 8–12 repetitions with proper form. If you are a beginner, start with 2-2 kg of dumbbell in each hand. As you gain strength, gradually increase the weight, but ensure it remains manageable to avoid injury.

3. How many repetitions should I do?

For strength building, aim for 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. If you are focusing on endurance, you can increase the reps to 15-20. Adjust the weight as per your fitness level.

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