Thyroid swelling: What does it indicate? How to get it treated?
6 months ago | 79 Views
Thyroid is a gland located at the base of the neck responsible for producing thyroxine (T-4) and triiodothyronine (T-3). These hormones help in normal growth and metabolism of the body. Thyroid issues are common in women and can be treated with hormonal supplements. However, swelling of the thyroid gland can indicate other conditions, and should be treated with urgency. In an interview with HT lifestyle, Dr. Satish Nair, academic head and consultant - Skull Base Surgeon and ENT - Head and Neck Surgeon, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, Bengaluru, explained thyroid swelling and how it should be treated.
Thyroid swelling: What does it indicate?
“Thyroid swelling is seen as swelling in the front portion of the neck which gradually increases in size. Although thyroid swelling is common among females, men are also affected by it. It can be accompanied by hormonal disturbances too. A swelling in the thyroid can be a simple cyst or nodule or a tumor or cancer in rare cases. 90% of thyroid swelling in women is non-cancerous whereas thyroid swelling in men has a 95% chance of being cancerous,” said Dr. Satish Nair.
Thyroid swelling: Evaluation process
Dr. Satish Nair explained the three-test procedure that is recommended in evaluating thyroid swelling - “When you notice a swelling in the neck that is persistent for more than 3 weeks, it is advisable to consult an ENT / Head and Neck Surgeon. There are three tests that are required for diagnosing thyroid swelling. First is the thyroid hormone test followed by an ultrasound scan of the neck which shows the size, site, and nature of the swelling. The third test you will be advised is a needle aspiration test from the swelling (FNAC – fine needle aspiration cytology) which is done to know the type of cells (cancerous or tumor) in the swelling.”
Thyroid Swelling: Treatment procedures
“Wait and watch is recommended in a female patient with a small swelling of less than 1 cm. Generally, it is advised that a thyroid swelling more than 4 cm in size, swelling in a male, age more than 55 years, and if the tests point towards cancer or swelling is accompanied by pressure symptoms (difficulty in swallowing, breathing, and voice change), it requires surgery as the mainstay of treatment. The decision to remove either partial or complete thyroid gland depends on the test results,” added Dr. Satish Nair.
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