This morning, kickstart your day with these 9 yoga asanas; from sukhasana to healing walk
7 months ago | 78 Views
Yoga helps strengthen the body and the mind. It helps relax the muscles, stretch the body, and keep us calm. Doing yoga every morning comes with many benefits. When incorporated with breathing exercises and mindfulness, yoga makes us feel fresh and positive.
In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, author and founder of Akshar Yoga Kendraa, said, “Yoga is an excellent way to begin your morning, helping to awaken your body, focus your mind, and set a positive tone for the day ahead. A well-rounded morning yoga routine should include a variety of asanas (poses) that stretch and strengthen different parts of the body while promoting mindfulness and controlled breathing.”
Sukhasana (Easy Pose):
Start your practice with a few minutes of seated meditation. Sit cross-legged on your mat, straighten your spine, and rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and take deep, conscious breaths to centre yourself and set an intention for the day.
Cat-Cow Stretch (Marjaryasana):
Come onto your hands and knees. As you inhale, drop your belly and lift your chin and tailbone for Cow pose. As you exhale, round your spine and tuck your chin to your chest for Cat pose. Repeat this flow for 5-10 breaths.
Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):
Get on all your fours, tuck your toes and lift your hips, forming an inverted V-shape with your body. Press your hands into the mat, lengthening your spine and stretching your hamstrings.
Standing Forward Bend (Padahasthasana):
Walk your hands to your feet, then slowly roll up to standing. Fold forward from your hips, letting your upper body hang. Bend your knees slightly if needed. Feel the stretch in your hamstrings and lower back.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana):
Slowly roll up to standing, stacking your head, shoulders, hips, and ankles in one straight line. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart, engage your core, and roll your shoulders back.
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar):
Perform 3-5 rounds of Sun salutations or Surya Namaskar to warm up your entire body. This flowing sequence includes poses like Plank, Chaturanga, Upward Facing Dog, and Downward Facing Dog, providing a full-body workout that increases circulation and builds heat.
Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I):
Step one foot back, turn it out slightly, and bend your front knee. Raise your arms overhead, squaring your hips to the front of your mat. Hold for 5 breaths, focusing on grounding through your back foot while lifting through your chest.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II):
To perform Warrior II, open your hips to the side and extend your arms parallel to the ground. Gaze over your front hand and sink deeper into your front knee. Hold the position for a 5-count breath, building strength in your legs and opening your hips.
Healing walk:
Lift your arms up, keeping them at shoulder-width distance. Now, start walking with your arms raised in this position, and your hands can be up in the air for 1-3 minutes.
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