Tanmay Bhat's dramatic weight loss transformation: How the comedian lost 50+ kgs and 5 tips that will help you

Tanmay Bhat's dramatic weight loss transformation: How the comedian lost 50+ kgs and 5 tips that will help you

24 days ago | 27 Views

Comedian and YouTuber Tanmay Bhat's dramatic weight loss recently made waves on the internet. Tanmay shed over 50 kilos, and the conversation around his transformation picked up when a 'men's fat loss coach', Abhi Rajput, took to X to post snippets from Tanmay's interview, where he shared tips that helped him in his journey to get fit and can help you too. 

How did Tanmay Bhat lose 50+ kilos

Abhi Rajput posted Tanmay Bhat's before and after pictures on X with the caption, “This is the Viral transformation of Tanmay Bhat. So let’s understand how he lost 50+ kgs of weight, and it is not about Diet. These 5 tips will change you inside out.” The thread featured five tips Abhi picked up from Tanmay's podcast with Kumar Varun, including building a routine, prioritising health, building mental resilience, mastering the mind, and more.

Taking accountability and making health a priority

In the first tip, Tanmay shared that health has to be the number one priority in people's lives, and it has become for him. The comedian revealed that he dedicates two hours from his daily life to hitting the gym and doing an outdoor activity (badminton for him), and no one is allowed to disturb him during that time. “Build a time block even for 20 minutes. Train 3-4 times/week. Play outdoor sport,” the X user concluded.

Lifestyle changes and habit stacking

In the second snippet, Tanmay shared how he has tried to lose weight throughout his life and faced many ups and downs. Many will relate to this since we also face weight fluctuations due to many circumstances and not having a proper schedule. However, Tanmay overcame this hurdle in his weight loss journey by bringing a lifestyle change.

The YouTuber said he initially tried to follow the traditional routine of eating healthy, waking up early, going to the gym, and lifting weights. However, when Tanmay realised it was not something he enjoyed, he focused on an activity he loved - badminton. When he built the habit of playing badminton, he practised ‘habit stacking’, where he stacked another habit over an activity he enjoyed. So, he decided he would go to the gym and lift weights before or after going to his badminton class.

The other three tips in Abhi Rajput's thread ask people who want to go on a weight loss journey to build mental resilience (taking accountability for your actions and stop blaming circumstances), master the hour (learning to say no to things that will diminish your hard work), and motivating yourself by reducing unnecessary stress factors.  

About Tanmay Bhat

Tanmay Bhat gained recognition with his YouTube channel AIB, co-founded by Gursimran Khamba, Ashish Shakya, and Rohan Joshi. Later, he became an angel investor and founded an ad agency.

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