Stop infections before they start: Must-know safety tips for women using public restrooms

Stop infections before they start: Must-know safety tips for women using public restrooms

25 days ago | 20 Views

A large number of women who use public toilets are at the greater risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and fungal infections hence, women must take necessary precautions in case they are required to use public toilets during an emergency. Many women who are travelling for leisure or work-related purposes are left with no choice but to use public toilets, especially during long-distance journeys.

Unfortunately, everyone is aware of the rash reality that public toilets are not maintained properly and are without adequate water supply. The toilets are not safe at all and can cause a plethora of infections that can impact a woman’s overall well-being.

Infections associated with public toilets

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Amit Bansal, Urologist at Apollo Spectra in Delhi's Karol Bagh , highlighted the various infections associated with public toilets that can give a tough time to women -

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Using public toilets, while often unavoidable for a majority of women can make them prone to concerning health issues. Many women tend to experience urinary tract infections (UTIs), which occur when bacteria enter the urinary system. The symptoms of it are cloudy and smelly urine, abdominal pain, urinary incontinence, frequent urination, blood in pee pain while peeing, and groin pain. One having these symptoms will require immediate medical attention to manage infection promptly. Untreated UTIs can affect one’s physical and mental well-being. One will often be stressed, anxious, and depressed.
  • Fungal infections such as yeast infections can thrive in warm and humid bathroom spaces and flourish in areas with inadequate ventilation or poor hygiene standards. Women using these facilities may have vaginal irritation and discomfort without even realizing it until significant symptoms arise.

Tips to use public toilets safely

  • When women have an emergency that means the urge to pee or poo, they have no choice but to try to choose facilities that are well-lit, cleaned and maintained with adequate essentials and water supply.
  • Carry personal hygiene products, such as disposable toilet seat covers or portable sanitizers, for maintaining hygiene and avoid coming in contact with contaminated surfaces.
  • It is essential to squat while peeing and try to use Indian toilets that lower your chances of UTIs. If you are using a western toilet then carry your seat cover, use tissues, and clean the seat with sanitizer before sitting down.
  • Avoid washing the vaginal area with toilet paper available in public restrooms, instead carry your essentials.
  • Use a tissue while pressing the flush button.
  • Pee cups can also be a good option for women while they are outdoors and they are easy to clean and carry. Women, stay vigilant when it comes to your health and follow these vital instructions if you are required to access public toilets.

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