Shah Rukh Khan quit smoking to help him breathe better: 5 reasons why you should kick the butt too

Shah Rukh Khan quit smoking to help him breathe better: 5 reasons why you should kick the butt too

4 months ago | 5 Views

Are you contemplating whether to quit smoking? Still on the fence? That coveted, momentary stress-free feelings you get when you smoke, luring you again? There are far worse consequences that can outweigh the momentary pleasure. Well, take inspiration from Shah Rukh Khan who has recently quit smoking.

At a meet-and-greet event with fans, he admitted to quitting smoking. Despite quitting, he still experiences breathlessness. It’s a serious reminder of the dangerous and lasting impact smoking has on the body. Beyond the obvious and serious health risks like lung cancer and heart disease, here are some other compelling reasons to quit.

Better skin

You will see visible changes in your skin after you quit smoking.

Skin naturally starts to look better when you quit. When you smoke, the blood vessels become narrow, decreasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your skin. Around the lip area, smoking causes dark pigmentation. Several studies show that smoking even quickens ageing, making the skin appear more crinkled than usual. After quitting smoking, the skin gets more oxygen flow, automatically returning the skin to its natural glow. So consider this the biggest skincare hack. Instead of breaking your bank over skincare products, quit smoking first and see the changes for yourself.

Awful stink

Smoking leaves behind the lingering smell of tobacco. It’s everywhere on clothes and body. Especially for frequent smokers, the stink is ever-present. This unpleasant odour is persistent, seeping into everything you touch, almost like a Midas touch of stink. It creates a negative experience for those around you, where people, especially non-smokers may even have to hold their breaths when you’re nearby and slowly begin to avoid you. The nauseating scent creates an uncomfortable situation for others. And their reaction and behaviours ultimately lower your confidence and self-esteem.

Financial burden

A regular smoker frequently buys cigarettes, which are very expensive and heavy on the pocket. The money spent on cigarettes could be used more productively elsewhere, contributing to your personal growth. It may seem like a small purchase, but think about it, if you add those up, the sum will surely startle you. Instead, redirect it to a hobby workshop class or the new home decor piece on your wishlist. Pamper yourself healthily. There’s nothing productive in smoking, all your money is going down the drain. Or if you have too much to spend, consider charity for the good of society.

Reduced fertility

Smoking affects reproductive health as well by disrupting the hormones. The likelihood of being infertile is higher, affecting the sperm and egg health. There’s also the risk of delayed conceiving and even serious pregnancy complications.

Vision and hearing loss

Smoking can damage the eyes, causing severe conditions that may even lead to blindness. Smoking increases the chances of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma. Hearing is also harmed as blood flow is substantially reduced to the inner ear. To protect your vital senses, quit smoking right now.

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