Recognizing the Signs: Karishma Mehta Discusses When to End a Relationship

Recognizing the Signs: Karishma Mehta Discusses When to End a Relationship

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It is rare for individuals to express exuberance following a breakup; however, Karishma Mehta, CEO of Humans of Bombay, asserts that one cannot welcome positive, new, and healthy experiences while clinging to the past and its detrimental aspects. In a recent post on Instagram, she outlined several indicators that suggest you are indeed making a wise decision by ending a relationship. Review these signs to gain some reassurance, and then take proactive steps towards moving forward.

What did Karishma Mehta say?

In her caption, she expressed, "During the New Year period, there is much discussion about welcoming the new, yet insufficient emphasis is placed on letting go of what no longer benefits you. It is impossible to embrace the positive, the fresh, and the healthy while clinging to the old and detrimental. Permit the new to come in and create space for it."

‘When you feel like you are the only one fighting…’

In the video provided, Karishma expressed, “It is important to recognize when it is time to exit a relationship; this occurs when you no longer feel respected when it seems you are the sole individual striving to maintain the relationship. When the efforts are unbalanced and you experience a sense of isolation despite being in a partnership.”

Even when those around you affirm that ending a relationship is the right decision, the process of letting go can still be challenging. Should you require relationship guidance, click here to discover effective strategies for managing a break-up. Additionally, click here for further advice to assist you in moving forward if you are finding it difficult to cope with the end of a relationship.

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