Mira Rajput's mother reveals beauty secrets for 'glowing' skin at 64: ‘On my face, I apply raw…’

Mira Rajput's mother reveals beauty secrets for 'glowing' skin at 64: ‘On my face, I apply raw…’

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There’s always more to learn when it comes to skincare. On today’s lesson plan? Mira Rajput's mother Bela Rajput's beauty secrets. In a new video on her YouTube channel, Mira, who is an entrepreneur and is married to actor Shahid Kapoor, chatted with her mom about the 64-year-old's skincare routine. 

Bela made a case for incorporating natural skincare products into your beauty routine. Her absolute favourite thing to apply on her face? Raw milk and malai (fresh cream).

Start your clean beauty game early

When asked what's been the toughest decade for her skin and how she feels about herself as she was now 64, Bela said, “I think now (has been the toughest)... at 20, I had perfect skin. You don't need to take care of it that much. As you grow older, I was advised I should start facials after 30, not before that. I started around 30 only; they say you should take care as that is when your skin and face start getting affected, and I think I took care of them. I was very regular with my facials. Whatever I did, whatever I used, it really helped my skin. It is very important, you have to take care of your skin. I apply sunscreen regularly... whenever I go out, I have my sunscreen on… I don't go out any day without sunscreen, like every single day.”

Mira Rajput's mother Bela Rajput's dishes out her beauty secrets. (Picture courtesy: YouTube/Mira Kapoor)

Top natural ingredients for skincare

She then went on to reveal how she takes care of her 'glowing' skin by using lemon, milk, turmeric, aloe vera, and other 'natural stuff'. Bela added that her 'wrinkles are starting to show more' now, so now she depends even more on her arsenal of natural ingredients and 'stuff like kaccha malai (fresh cream off raw milk)' to take care of her ageing skin. Bela also spoke about how she 'never wears makeup', and the only time she remembers wearing it was on her wedding day, recalling how it made her 'look her worse'.

She added, "I think putting makeup also spoils your skin... lipstick is the only makeup that I put... I never use soap... I put malai from raw milk. That is the best cleanser. It will make your face glow. It is the best for anything."

Products and skincare tips to to swear by

When asked what are the things she can't live without, Mira's mother named her 'sunscreen, moisturiser and night serum'. Her other tips for good skin? 'Stay hydrated' and use a good moisturiser, especially if you have dry skin and sunscreen. Bela also listed the 'things she uses from her kitchen' in her skincare routine: Milk, lemon, orange peel, cucumber, oats soaked with milk, besan (gram flour), and haldi (turmeric).

Bela also revealed 'the first thing in the morning that she does for her skin': She applies raw milk to her face and drinks a glass of honey and lemon water. She then has overnight soaked methi seeds in a glass of water, followed by coriander seeds soaked in water for healthy hair.

She added that if she could she would 'have a bath with milk'. She also said, "When I feel my wrinkles are showing up more, nowadays that is my main concern, then I apply more milk on my face." Mira added that her skincare rituals 'have been formed by seeing her mother' take care of her skin – from using milk on her face to being consistent and looking after her skin.

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