Man who lost 50 kg reveals '5 phases of weight loss journey'

Man who lost 50 kg reveals '5 phases of weight loss journey'

2 days ago | 5 Views

Weight loss is a journey. It involves making small healthy changes every day and pushing ourselves towards a better lifestyle. Weight transformation journeys involve eating right, knowing the portion size and the meal timings, and simultaneously working out on a daily basis. While it may seem easy in the beginning, a weight loss journey travels through many phases of being motivated to having doubts on our own capabilities.

In a video, weight loss coach Nick Geoppo - who lost 50 kilos - explained the five main phases of weight loss journey.


In the initial five to six days of the weight loss journey, we are generally very motivated. We try to ear healthy, maintain meal timings and workout with full enthusiasm. We start seeing minor results on a daily basis which further pushes us to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


However, this phase of motivation goes away very soon. After a week, we started to feel hungry, and the cravings hit us. This is when we get into the second phase – self-doubt. We start doubting our decisions and our capabilities to reach the desired weight.

Letting go:

To get over the phase of self-doubt, we need to push ourselves into the third phase – letting go. We need to let go of all the inhibitions and doubts that we have about ourselves. We also need to let go of the belief that we cannot do it.

The character:

The fourth phase is when we get into the character of the person who eats right, who makes right decisions about their workout and meal choices, and who works out right. We make room for the character to come in and become the person that we want to be.

Reflection on the journey:

Eventually, when we reach the end result of the desired weight and healthy body and mind, we realise that the character was us all along – we became the person we wanted to be and embodied that character as a part of us.

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