Man who lost 50 kg reveals 12 not-so-obvious benefits of drastic weight loss: 'I am an inch taller'

Man who lost 50 kg reveals 12 not-so-obvious benefits of drastic weight loss: 'I am an inch taller'

5 days ago | 5 Views

Can you be happier when you're skinnier? Nick Geoppo thinks so. The US-based man not only 'lost 110 pounds (49.89 kg) and kept it off for 5 years', but he is now on a 'mission to help others develop self-belief through achieving and sustaining a healthy body weight'.  

In a recent video he listed all the surprising ways his life turned around for the better after his weight loss. He wrote in his caption, "Things that changed about my life after losing 110 pounds. You absolutely have what it takes to lose weight and keep it off forever!"

Check it out:

How his voice changed with weight loss

Introducing himself, Nick said in the video he posted on Instagram in August, "So I lost 110 pounds, and I have kept it off for five years. Now, I am filming content about it... who would have guessed."

He then began listing ‘the bunch of ways’ his life changed. Nick began by saying, "The first one is my voice. So, you have a lot of fat on your throat, it compresses your vocal cords. When you lose weight, your voice is going to change."

How people treat him after his drastic weight loss

Nick then went on to list the other changes he noticed, saying, “I used to have constant ringing in both of my ears. Now it is gone... other people treat me a lot better (now) and I see other people online talk about how gross that is that you are treated better after you lose weight. But other people are really just a mirror to you.”

He added, "So when I was fat, I felt really bad about myself all the time, and I was really negative. Through losing weight and developing self-belief, I built a lot of confidence and found a lot more positivity in my life. So, I don't blame other people for treating me better, they are just mirroring to me that I feel better about myself."

Impact on anxiety, depression and body pain

"My anxiety and depression completely went away with no medication... I lost an entire shoe size... my (looks at his crotch) looks a lot bigger... I used to always breathe out of my mouth, so my mouth was always open. Now I breathe out of my nose... I don't snore anymore... I get cold really easily... I no longer have a fear of dying... I am an inch taller... my ribs used to constantly hurt, now they feel fine," Nick said.

Advice to people trying to lose weight

He concluded by saying, "So did losing weight make me happy? Yeah, a lot of these things made me a lot happier, and you absolutely have what it takes to lose weight and keep it off forever. Pull open your phone and take a video of yourself saying it again and again and again. You got this!"

Reactions to the video

“My ears ring constantly. I sure hope mine goes away, when I've dropped my weight,” read a comment on Nick's post.

A person said, “This is so awesome for you. I’d just to to add, I’ve recently lost 50 pounds (22.6 kg), for context I’m 5 ft tall. I once weighed 170 pounds (77.1 kg) , now I’m 121 pounds (54.8 kg). At my heaviest, I could be a little shy but really super friendly and always smiling and affable. The stark change in how I’m treated now as opposed to a mere 6 months ago has made me really bitter. I just feel like I’ve been here this whole time and suddenly I exist now? People suddenly open doors for me when before I have had them quite literally slammed in my face (I had a bloody nose from someone doing that) now I don’t even smile at people , I just ignore the smiling faces because it reminds me of how poorly I was treated just because I was in a bigger body and it sucks.”

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