Making breakfast count: Strategies for incorporating whole grains and fiber into your morning routine

Making breakfast count: Strategies for incorporating whole grains and fiber into your morning routine

2 months ago | 22 Views

Preparing breakfast for our children as they get ready for school is an inevitable part of modern life as we cannot overlook or skip this important meal, no matter how pressed we are for time. A nutritious breakfast refuels the body, replenishes glucose levels, improves nutrient intake and promotes overall metabolic health.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Nadiya Merchant, Associate Director of Nutrition at Kellanova India, shared, “Breakfast provides kids with an energetic start to the day and has positive effects on cognitive functions such as attention and memory. Therefore, it is crucial for children to build a positive relationship with breakfast and embrace a nutritious start to the day. For a nourishing and balanced breakfast, focus on incorporating a variety of nutrient-dense foods; include a mix of carbohydrates, fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals from grains (cereals, millets, pulses), fruits, vegetables, nuts and dairy.”

She revealed, “Breakfast cereals are made with a variety of grains, are naturally cholesterol-free, generally low in fat and provide nutrients like carbohydrates, protein and fibre. They are mostly enriched with key essential vitamins and minerals which perform several important functions in the body. Ready-to-eat cereals are best consumed with milk or yoghurt and fruits/dry fruits. It is important to use your imagination and creativity to make the breakfast experience for the kids tasty, colourful, and fun. Think of adding playful shapes, vibrant colours, and a variety of textures to keep them excited about their morning meal. This way, we cultivate a generation of breakfast eaters who look forward to starting their day with nutritious and enjoyable food.”

Dr Vijay Yewale, HoD and Senior Consultant at Apollo Children's Navi Mumbai, asserted, “Ensuring that breakfast counts for your kids is crucial for their overall health and academic performance. A nutritious breakfast fuels their bodies and minds, setting a positive tone for the day. I recommend incorporating a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates to sustain energy levels and improve concentration. For instance, a meal that includes a side of fruit like apple, banana or a bowl of oatmeal topped with nuts and berries, provides essential nutrients and keeps kids feeling full longer.”

He concluded, “Avoiding sugary cereals and pastries is equally important, as they can lead to energy crashes and hinder cognitive function. Encouraging kids to drink water or milk instead of sugary drinks can also make a significant difference. Remember, a well-balanced breakfast not only supports physical growth but also enhances mental sharpness, helping children excel both in and out of the classroom.”

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