Magnesium for anxiety: Does the supplement work as a chill pill?
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Feeling stressed and anxious lately? You might be surprised to learn that a common mineral such as magnesium may help you calm your mind and feel better. Magnesium is essential for numerous bodily functions and also plays a big role in stress management. And that is also why a magnesium deficiency may cause anxiety. However, using magnesium supplements under medical guidance, could boost your mental health and well-being. Besides combating anxiety, this vital mineral has a variety of other benefits such as promoting better heart health, helping you sleep better and keeping constipation at bay.
What is the link between magnesium and anxiety?
Magnesium, a micronutrient has numerous important roles in our body and one among them is stress management. “Anxiety is often associated with fear and significantly affects your cognitive function and behavioural response. There is a relationship that exists between magnesium stores in the body and anxiety,” explains psychologist Anu Goel. However, still, many detailed trials are required to encourage magnesium supplementation.
“Magnesium supplementation has been found to have a decreasing effect on general anxiety,” explains dietician Garima Goyal. The evidence, however, varies in different studies. A study published in Nutrients, studied the effects of magnesium supplementation on anxiety and stress. It was seen that in four out of eight cases, there was a positive effect of Mg intake on anxiety. Check out the different types of magnesium and how these help us.
Magnesium for anxiety: How does it help?
There is scientific evidence that indicates that magnesium helps to reduce anxiety. Here are some of the benefits of magnesium supplementation for mental health and well-being.
1. May regulate cortisol levels
Cortisol is a stress hormone, which in prolonged conditions may cause depression and anxiety. Magnesium can help in reducing the cortisol levels and thus reduce stress. “When you have a magnesium deficiency, your body releases large quantities of cortisol. This impacts our other hormones. This can cause us to feel low and depressed. The same is true for anxiety as well,” says Goel. Check out how our magnesium levels impact depression.
2. May regulate neurotransmitters
Our brain has excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Keeping a balance of these can help you manage stress and anxiety better. “Magnesium, in a way, helps in maintaining the balance and can even induce inhibitory neurotransmitters to prevent anxiety from getting worse,” says Goel. A study published by the US National Institutes of Health, states that magnesium supplementation decreases epinephrine, a neurotransmitter associated with your body’s fight or flight response, and norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the symptoms of arousal, attention as well as stress reactions, synthesis and release. This, in turn, decreases anxiety and could prevent panic attacks as well.
3. Helps to improve brain functions
Magnesium supplementation helps with brain functions that reduce stress. It positively impacts a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. This part is responsible for stress, and regulates the pituitary and adrenal glands, states a study, published in Neuropharmacology. This is how magnesium reduces anxiety.
What is magnesium deficiency?
Magnesium deficiency occurs when there are depleted levels of the nutrient in the body. A study, published in Nutrients, states that sixty-eight per cent of Americans and 72 per cent of French adults consume less than the recommended levels of dietary Mg daily. However, deficiency due to dietary inadequacy is quite uncommon. “The symptoms of deficiency include nausea, vomiting, headache, anorexia, muscle weakness, spasms and tremors, mental confusion, personality changes, and hallucinations,” says Goyal. Check out the signs of magnesium deficiency to know if you need supplementation.

So, can magnesium deficiency cause anxiety?
Yes. A study published by the US National Institutes of Health, states that magnesium deficiency results in hyperemotivity, which is being extremely emotional, hyperexcitability, a state where you have a strong reaction to stimuli as well as anxiety, and impulsivity. Therefore, there is an association between magnesium deficiency and neuroticism, a personality trait associated with negative emotions. However, magnesium supplementation can boost your brain power, and help you feel better.
What are the best forms of magnesium for anxiety?
There are several forms of magnesium supplementation such as magnesium citrate, and magnesium glycinate. However, there is no scientific evidence behind which form of magnesium is ideal for anxiety.
Despite the benefits of magnesium in stress management, it may not be advisable to consume it without proper medical advice, says Goel. In this case, your best bet to prevent deficiency and to ensure better mental health is to consume adequate magnesium from food. “The optimal amount of magnesium required by your body is 440mg/day for adult men and 370mg/day for adult women (RDA 2023),” explains Goyal.
How to get magnesium from food?
You can get adequate magnesium through your diet by including foods rich in it such as leafy greens, avocado, dark chocolate, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. These foods are good for reducing stress and anxiety, as well as overall well-being. Foods rich in magnesium also help in better heart health and controlling sugar levels in the body. Check out this list of magnesium-rich foods you can easily include in your diet.

Side effects of magnesium
While taking magnesium for anxiety might be beneficial, there are some side effects of magnesium that you must be aware of. Magnesium toxicity is a condition that is caused by the overuse of magnesium-containing medication, states this study, published by Stat Pearls. While this is unlikely, excessive supplementation can lead to this. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before starting medication. Additionally, excessive magnesium can cause significant side effects such as renal impairment. Your kidney can flush out most of the excessive magnesium unless any impairment is present. Excessive magnesium was associated with rapid kidney function decline, states this study, published in Nutrients. Some of the other side effects include diarrhoea, dehydration, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech, and double vision.
Magnesium supplementation comes with a host of health benefits, Using magnesium for society has been proven to be an excellent choice as it can help in many ways. Magnesium helps to control cortisol or stress hormone levels in our bodies. Additionally, magnesium can also help with brain function and impacts the part of the brain that deals with stress. However, there are many risks of magnesium that one must be aware of. While magnesium supplementation can have potential benefits, more research is required for clear guidance on dosage and form. Thus, it becomes important to consult your physician before starting the supplement.
Can you take magnesium every day?
Yes, magnesium can be taken every day. Daily magnesium supplementation isn’t considered unsafe. However, it is important to consult a doctor before starting any medication. On average, 400 mg or less of magnesium is considered safe when it comes to daily consumption.
Who should not take magnesium for anxiety?
Magnesium should not be taken by patients with kidney ailments. This is because magnesium is eliminated by the body through the kidneys.
How to take magnesium supplements?
Magnesium supplements should be taken with meals. If you take these medicines on an empty stomach, it can lead to gastric problems such as diarrhoea. You can also take these supplements at night as this would help you in getting better sleep as well.
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