Loneliness increases nightmares? Study finds a surprising link

Loneliness increases nightmares? Study finds a surprising link

18 days ago | 15 Views

Loneliness is often casually dismissed as a mere feeling that everyone experiences at some point however, a study published in the Journal of Psychology reveals the complexities of loneliness and its far-reaching consequences. Loneliness is connected to sleep problems, particularly concerning the frequency and intensity of nightmares. 

Loneliness increases nightmares, making them more vivid. It extends beyond a state of mind, harming overall wellbeing hence, loneliness and sleep disorders are public health concerns, as they increase the risk of cardiac diseases and premature deaths.

Understanding loneliness

Loneliness signals an innate need for belonging and social connections. Feelings of isolation, emptiness and dejection can trigger excessive rumination, leading to a cycle of constantly pondering over negative experiences and emotions, which in turn exacerbates stress and anxiety. Despite being an emotional state of mind, loneliness has real physical effects.

Interpersonal relationships are important

Loneliness is associated with constant worry, stress, and heightened alertness. These emotional responses to loneliness contribute to an increase in nightmares, which, in turn, reduce sleep quality and lead to eventual sleep deprivation. A good night's sleep is critical for staying healthy, as it plays a key role in mood regulation, cognitive functions, and metabolism.

It highlights the importance of interpersonal relationships for maintaining health. A sense of belonging has always been essential for human survival. Loneliness indicates unmet needs in interpersonal relationships, which trigger severe distress, manifesting in the form of nightmares. Researchers suggest that treating loneliness can help alleviate nightmares. Loneliness is directly connected to sleep problems, and if left untreated, it can become a hotbed for serious ailments.

Loneliness is more pervasive than we often realise. In today’s fast-paced world, everyone has grown increasingly isolated, succumbing to loneliness. It's crucial to stay connected and attuned to your social needs, not just for mental wellbeing, but also as a physical necessity.

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