Last meal at 11 AM! Millionaire techie Bryan Johnson, obsessed with ‘not dying’, reveals secrets to slowing down ageing

Last meal at 11 AM! Millionaire techie Bryan Johnson, obsessed with ‘not dying’, reveals secrets to slowing down ageing

19 hours ago | 5 Views

Bryan Johnson, the 47-year-old entrepreneur, who became famous on social media with his attempts on reversing ageing, recently shared his anti-ageing diet on a podcast with BeerBiceps. Bryan mentioned that it is essential that we understand that each person’s anti-ageing diet and diet window can be different. It is important to know the pattern and then decide on the diet.

When asked to explain his anti-ageing diet in five sentences, Bryan listed out the essential food items - lentils, vegetables, berries, nuts seeds extra virgin olive oil. Speaking about the food items that should be avoided, Bryan listed out extra sugar, additives, processed foods, fried foods, and ingredients that we are unable to read.

How many times should we eat in a day?

Bryan shared his eating window in the podcast. The entrepreneur mentioned that he eats food in a six-hour window. His last meal is consumed at 11 AM in the morning, and he fasts for eighteen hours in a day, till his bedtime. Bryan believes that diet window works differently for each person and is conductive to the best quality sleep.

Sleep is the best drug for anti-ageing

Bryan Johnson believes that sleep can help in accelerating reverse-ageing. In the order, he mentioned, sleep, exercise and diet. While strength training and cardio are important parts of his exercise regimen, Bryan believes that physical movement of thirty minutes in a day, consisting of a simple routine can also help the body.

How much protein and water intake does the body require?

Bryan mentioned that he consumed about three liters of water in a day, and stops drinking water after 4 PM to avoid getting up at night. Speaking of protein consumption, Bryan shared his daily protein intake – 120 grams. He believes that his protein intake is adequate for muscle mass, cardiovascular building and metabolic health.

Who is Bryan Johnson?

Bryan Johnson recently went viral on social media for sharing his anti-ageing attempts. The 47-year-old entrepreneur is the founder and CEO of Kernel, and also owns a venture capital firm. Bryan refers to his anti-ageing attempts as Project Blueprint.

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