Is potato good or bad for your weight-loss diet?
6 months ago | 63 Views
What are the images that pop up in your mind when you think of potatoes? All the images of unhealthy potato delicacies like potato chips, French fries, and other deep-fried food show up in our minds. Over the years, potatoes have been badmouthed by everyone thinking they are fatty and high in carbohydrates. Those who are aiming to lose weight, strike off potatoes completely from their daily diet plans thinking that consuming potatoes will only make them gain unwanted weight. However, let us prick the bubble here! The high carbohydrate content and glycemic index of potatoes often overpowers its benefits. If consumed the right way, potatoes can make a great addition to your weight-loss-friendly diet.
We know you feel taken aback right now and wonder if potatoes can be a part of your weight loss diet. Let us dive deeper into the benefits of eating potatoes for weight loss.
Health benefits of potatoes for weight loss
Potato is not unhealthy as a vegetable because it is calorie-dense. But it could turn unhealthy by the way we cook them . We are so accustomed to consuming potatoes deep fried or by adding a dollop of butter and cream that we hardly try to explore the possibility of cooking it in a healthier way like boiling, roasting, baking, or air frying. Potatoes, mostly misunderstood in the world of dieting, can indeed be a part of a weight-loss diet when eaten mindfully. Here are some ways consuming potatoes can help support weight loss:

1. Calorie restriction
Potatoes have a high fibre and water content which can make you feel satiated and fuller for a long time. This can accelerate your weight-loss journey, especially when the diet is accompanied by increased physical activity. When prepared without excessive fats or oils, potatoes are relatively low in calories. A medium-sized baked potato has nearly around 110 calories, making it a filling yet low-calorie food option, tells nutritionist Avni Kaul.
2. Nutrient dense
Potatoes are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins C and B6, potassium, and fibre, potatoes offer numerous health benefits, including support for weight loss, shares the expert. Also, potatoes have a high potassium content that can curb issues like water retention and bloating, leading to a slimmer tummy appearance.
3. Rich in fiber
Potatoes are a great source of dietary fibre, especially when eaten with the skin. Consuming foods rich in fibre plays a great role in weight management since they promote feelings of satiety and reduce appetite. This feeling will curb your unnecessary hunger pangs and will make you consume fewer calories throughout the day, creating the needed calorie deficit required for weight loss. Also, potatoes are a great source of resistant starch that is beneficial for feeding the healthy bacteria in your gut, which can promote high metabolism and further weight loss.
As per the Nutrition Journal, resistant starch can aid in blood sugar control, moderating your rise in blood sugar after meals. It helps keep you full, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and promotes fat burning, says the expert.
4. Enhanced thermogenic effect
Potatoes are whole, unprocessed carbohydrates that need more energy to digest in the body than processed foods. Therefore, consuming potatoes can increase the number of calories your body burns during the digestion process (known as the thermogenic effect) which can further promote weight loss.
How to eat potatoes for weight loss?
You may include potatoes for weight loss using the following methods:
1. Boiled or baked
Opt for boiled or baked potatoes without any added butter, cheese, or heavy sauces. These methods retain the nutrients without adding unnecessary calories.
2. Portion control
Stick to moderate portions and add potatoes with other vegetables and lean proteins for a balanced meal. Overeating any vegetable in larger amounts will never benefit you, so be mindful of the portions you consume.
3. Eat the skin
The skin of potatoes is filled with fibre, so leaving it on can enhance your weight loss efforts. But make sure you clean it well.

Who should avoid eating potatoes?
While potatoes could be a healthy addition to most diets, they may not be suitable for everyone:
1. People with insulin resistance or diabetes
Potatoes have a rich glycemic index, which can cause blood sugar spikes. Those with insulin resistance or diabetes should monitor their intake or choose lower glycemic index alternatives. As per the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the high glycemic index of potatoes makes them unsuitable for people suffering from grave health concerns like diabetes.
2. Individuals on low-carbohydrate diets
Potatoes are relatively rich in carbohydrates, mainly in the form of starch. As per the Nutrients Journal, the carbohydrate content in potatoes ranges from 60-80 per cent of dry weight. So, this makes it less suitable for people on low-carb or ketogenic diets.
3. People suffering from digestive issues
Since potatoes are rich in fibre, consuming them in excess can aggravate digestive health concerns or gastrointestinal issues like gas or bloating. So, people prone to such issues should stay away from consuming potatoes.
Potatoes can be a nutritious part of your weight loss diet when consumed in moderation and prepared healthily. However, a person with specific health conditions should consult with a qualified dietician before including them in their diet.
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