How to reduce wrinkles on face: 15 tips to deal with skin ageing

How to reduce wrinkles on face: 15 tips to deal with skin ageing

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Wrinkles are lines, creases or folds that get formed on the skin as part of the ageing process. The whole process can speed up if you expose your skin to sun for long hours without any protection or don't give importance to the water and skincare products that you use. These fine lines deepen and become more noticeable when the skin loses moisture as well as elasticity. It is not possible to stop wrinkles from making an appearance, but you can always take steps to slow the signs of ageing. Right from home remedies to creams to Botox, there are many ways to reduce wrinkles on the face.

What are the causes of wrinkles?

Ageing is the primary cause of wrinkles, as over time, the skin naturally becomes thinner, drier, and less elastic, says aesthetic physician and cosmetologist Dr Karuna Malhotra. Here are other causes -

  • UV radiation from the sun breaks down collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins that keep the skin smooth.
  • Smoking may accelerate the skin ageing process by reducing blood flow and depleting collagen.
  • Repeated facial expressions like squinting or smiling can lead to permanent lines over time.
  • Lack of moisture in the skin can make it appear more wrinkled.
  • Family history can influence when and where wrinkles form.
  • Exposure to toxins can damage the skin’s natural barrier and contribute to ageing.
  • Lack of nutrients such as antioxidants and vitamins can affect skin health.
  • Poor sleep can affect skin regeneration and lead to premature ageing.

A woman trying to reduce wrinklesWrinkles are part of ageing process. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What are ways to reduce wrinkles on the face?

Here are some ways to reduce the formation of wrinkles on your face:

1. Protection from sun

Whether you are indoors or running errands, protecting your skin from sun is essential. Seek shade, cover your head with a hat, and body with lightweight and long-sleeved shirt, pants, and sunglasses with UV protection. Use water-resistant sunscreen that is broad-spectrum with sun protection factor 30 (or higher), according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association.

2. Aloe vera gel

During a 2015 study published in the Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology journal, participants, aged 20 to 50 years, took aloe vera supplements for 8 weeks. They saw a significant improvement in facial wrinkling. "Aloe vera gel promotes skin hydration and boosts collagen production," says Dr Malhotra. You can also apply fresh aloe vera gel to your skin and rinse it off after letting it stay on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. This home remedy to reduce wrinkles can be used daily.

3. Coconut oil

Coconut oil not only hydrates the skin, but also improves its elasticity. "Be gentle while massaging a small amount of coconut oil into your skin before going off to sleep," suggests the expert.

4. Banana mask

Banana consists of silica that helps your body to synthesize collagen, which accounts for 30 percent of your body's protein. It is important for your skin, muscles, and bones. Mash a ripe banana and apply it as a DIY face mask for 20 minutes then rinse. It can be a weekly natural treatment.

5. Honey and yogurt mask

It is a well known fact that honey is good for moisturising skin. As for yogurt, it may support increased elasticity in the skin, as per research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2011. Mix plain yogurt with honey, and apply to your face. Let this mixture sit on your face for 15 to 20 minutes. Use this homemade face mask once a week for glowing skin.

6. Egg white mask

"Egg white may help to tighten your skin and reduce fine lines," says the expert. Apply beaten egg whites directly to your skin and leave on until dry then rinse. Use egg white face mask twice a week.

7. Retinoid creams

Retinoids can reduce wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen, according to the Harvard Health Publishing. Apply a small amount of over-the-counter retinoid cream to clean skin before going to bed.

8. Hyaluronic acid cream

Hyaluronic acid cream can deeply hydrate your skin, and help in reducing the appearance of fine lines. "To see the results, make sure to include this cream in your daily skincare routine," says the expert.

A woman trying to reduce wrinklesUse vitamin C serum to reduce wrinkles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

9. Vitamin C serum

During a 2017 study published in the Journal Of Clinical And Aesthetic Dermatology, participants who used 10 percent topical vitamin C over a 12-week period saw an improvement in wrinkling. It promotes collagen synthesis and reduces sun damage. Apply this serum in the morning under sunscreen.

10. Glycolic acid peels

"Glycolic acid peels can stimulate collagen production and improve your skin texture," says Dr Malhotra. A dermatologist will apply the peel to your skin to exfoliate the outer layer. Several sessions are needed, usually after every two to four weeks.

11. Trichloroacetic Acid peels

Trichloroacetic Acid peels can significantly improve skin conditions such as elasticity and hydration, as per research published in the Dermatology Research And Practice journal in 2021. This is also applied by a dermatologist, and you will have to visit a clinic after every 3 to 6 months.

12. Fractional laser resurfacing

"It can reduce deep wrinkles on your face and improve your skin texture by targeting specific areas of your skin with laser," says the expert. You need about 1 to 3 treatments that should be spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.

13. Botox

Botox is a safe, and effective treatment to reduce forehead wrinkles, according to research published in the Journal Of Clinical And Diagnostic Research in 2016. Botulinum toxin or Botox is injected to temporarily paralyse muscles, reducing wrinkles like forehead lines. You need to get it done after every 3 to 4 months.

14. Dermal fillers

"Dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid fillers can reduce the appearance of fine lines," says the expert. These are injections that fill in deep wrinkles and restore lost volume, and you need to go for this treatment after every 6 to 12 months.

15. Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

It involves surgically lifting and tightening facial tissues to reduce sagging and wrinkles. "With the help of facelift, you will notice an improvement in deep wrinkles," says the expert. It is typically one procedure.

Be it home remedies or chemical peels, each option can help in reducing wrinkles on the face.

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