How to gain weight fast and in a healthy way: 9 tips to follow

How to gain weight fast and in a healthy way: 9 tips to follow

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Are you naturally skinny, and looking for ways to gain weight? Your genetic makeup or fast metabolism rate, besides other reasons such as poor nutrition or recovery from an illness can leave you looking extremely thin. While it is important to understand why you are underweight, it is equally essential to reach your ideal weight in a healthy way. This would help to boost your immunity as well as build up your energy levels, making you healthier. Eating nutritious food, frequent meals, and working out can help you gain weight in a healthy way, besides getting enough sleep as well as reducing stress.

Why am I not able to gain weight?

Not being able to gain weight can have a variety of reasons. Your diet can be one of them. If the calories consumed are lesser than the calories burnt, this will not allow you to gain weight. “Those who want to gain weight and are physically active too should take care to consume more calories than their body uses as only then they will be able to gain a few kilograms,” explains dietician Garima Goyal.

There are some psychological factors as well such as stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms that can influence eating patterns. A study published in Frontiers of Endocrinology states that stress can impact food intake behaviour and lead to weight gain or weight loss. Conditions such as bulimia nervosa as well as anorexia can affect weight gain.

Besides this, your genes might be why you are so skinny. Certain individuals are genetically designed to look leaner as they have a higher metabolism. “Individuals who have a high metabolism burn calories faster and are not able to gain much weight, no matter how much they eat,” says Goyal. Certain medical conditions namely thyroid disorders, diabetes, gut issues etc. can make it hard to gain weight. Some medications are linked with suppressing the appetite, thereby reducing calorie intake or raising metabolism. A study published in Endotext states that medications for diabetes such as sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor analogues (GLP1RA) can lead to weight loss.

How to gain weight fast?

If you aim to gain a few pounds naturally, trust a change in lifestyle, including your dietary pattern and physical exercise!

1. Increase your calorie consumption

The aim of your diet should be to consume more calories than it expends. The extra calories to be consumed over the calories expended should be a minimum of 500-1000 kcal. “For this, aim for 3 main meals and at least 3 snacks a day that are calorie as well as nutrient-dense. Include nuts, seeds, whole grains etc. in your daily diet,” says Goyal.

2. Eat more frequently

To attempt to gain weight, try to consume multiple meals a day that are nutrient and calorie-dense. “A steady intake of calories throughout the day helps you to easily gain weight without feeling overly heavy,” says Goyal. A mice study conducted by UK's National Institutes of Health, states that eating at restricted times of the day can end up burning more energy, and can have an impact on weight gain.

3. Eat nutrient-dense meals

While you want to gain weight, it is also important to do so in a healthy way. For muscular growth and weight gain, including nutrient-dense foods such as whole grains, healthy fats, lean protein etc. that are loaded with vitamins, minerals and macronutrients as well can be beneficial.

4. Resistance exercises

Weight gain can be achieved by muscular growth and for that, you need to do strength training exercises such as bench presses, squats, deadlifts etc. “Aim for 3-4 strength training sessions per week and progressively increase the weights,” says Goyal. Resistance training as well as body weight exercises can help you build muscle. A study, published in Physiology and Behavior, observed the impact of body weight exercises for 10 weeks. It was seen that there were significant improvements in aerobic capacity and muscle endurance.

A woman working out with weightsWorking out and resistance training helps us build muscle mass. Image courtesy: Freepik

5. Include liquid calories

Eating food throughout the day can make your tummy feel heavier. So rather try adding healthy liquid calories to your diet namely smoothies, protein shakes, milkshakes etc, recommends Goyal, adding that one should avoid the addition of sugars to them.

6. Choose calorie-rich toppings for your food

To increase the calorie density of your food without adding to its volume, add calorie-dense toppings and extras to your meals such as nuts, seeds, cheese slices, avocado etc. Also, some healthy dips can be prepared using avocado, cheese etc. Brazilian nuts, almonds, walnuts as well as flax seeds and pumpkin seeds can help you healthily gain weight.

7. Make sure to rest

All your weight gain efforts are futile if you do not get adequate rest. Rest is needed for the overall growth of the body as well as muscle recovery. A study, published in the International Journal of Exercise Science talks about the importance of rest intervals between sets of resistance training.

8. Include healthy fats in your diet

Healthy fats are a great source of calories as well as essential fatty acids, that support body growth and development. Include sources like avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel). These foods add significant calories without requiring large volumes. Read here to learn how healthy fats impact our bodies.

9. Increase your protein intake

Increasing your protein intake can help you build muscle mass, states a study, published in Nutrients. Protein helps the body keep healthy and aids optimal development and growth. Meat, fish, eggs, and legumes are high in protein and can be consumed.

By consistently following these tips and making gradual adjustments, you can achieve healthy and sustainable weight gain.

Precautions while trying to gain weight fast

When attempting to gain weight quickly, it's essential to prioritise health and sustainability. Here are some precautions to consider

1. No unhealthy foods

Consuming junk food, sugary snacks, and highly processed items may lead to unhealthy weight gain, primarily in the form of fat. “These foods are often high in empty calories, sugar, and unhealthy fats, which can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases,” says Goyal. Instead, focus on nutrient-dense, whole foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals.

2. Portion size

Overeating can lead to digestive issues and unnecessary fat gain. “Gradually increase portion sizes to avoid discomfort and ensure that your body can handle the increased food intake,” says Goyal. Listen to your body's hunger and fullness cues to avoid overloading your digestive system.

3. Balance diet

A balanced intake of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats is integral for gaining muscle rather than just fat. “Proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth, carbohydrates provide energy, and fats support hormone production and overall health,” says Goyal. Therefore, try to include a variety of nutrient sources in each meal, emphasizing protein to promote muscle gain.

A woman holding a weighing scaleBalanced diet, good workout and adequate rest can help you gain weight in a healthy way. Image courtesy: Freepik

4. Hydrate yourself well

Proper hydration aids overall digestion, especially when increasing calorie and protein intake, as well as overall health. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps maintain energy levels and supports metabolic processes. It also aids in the efficient breakdown and utilization of nutrients.

5. Workout

Without the right exercise regime, you might gain fat instead of muscle. “Engage in regular resistance exercises, focusing on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows,” says Goyal. These exercises stimulate multiple muscle groups, promoting muscle hypertrophy and strength. Pair your workout routine with adequate rest and recovery to allow muscles to repair and grow.


While there might be many reasons for your wanting to gain weight fast, the regime and diet you follow must be healthy and nutritious. Focus on building muscle mass, rather than fat. This can be done by focussing on eating a balanced diet and gradually increasing your calorie consumption.

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