Enjoy your vacation without sabotaging health goals with these simple tips

Enjoy your vacation without sabotaging health goals with these simple tips

6 months ago | 76 Views

With the festival season around the corner, it is time for many people to start planning their yearly trips. While some choose to stay at home and enjoy the festivities, some choose to utilise the festival leaves to take off to a destination for a vacation. While a vacation can help the mind and body rejuvenate, it is equally important that we watch our plate and our glasses to ensure that we are not harming the body. It is necessary to break the rules once in a while – take a break from our diet schedule and indulge in food items that we love, but we should be careful to not over-do it. We must remember that the goal of taking a vacation is to come back home relaxed and healthy. Nutritionist Shyla Cadogan, RD, in a recent article, shared the four golden rules that can help us manage vacation indulgence.

Cut down on alcohol:

While we think of taking a vacation, we picture ourselves holding a glass of margarita to sip by the sea. However, we must remember, no alcohol, in no amount, can do us any good. When we mix it with soda or sugary juices, we add more calories to the body. It is helpful if we can keep alcohol consumption to a minimum.

Have a neutral mindset:

Often, we look at vacation as a way of taking a break from our routine – to the extent that we feel we can eat whatever we want. This mindset can make us skip breakfast, have light lunches, and have a heavy dinner. This can affect the body.

Leave the guilt at home:

When we come back from a vacation, we might gain a few extra pounds. But the guilt of gaining weight can make us feel overwhelmed and stop us from our health and wellness journey. Instead, we should see a vacation as a much-needed break from a routine, that we can come back from with a healthier mind and body.

Prioritise protein:

Often on a vacation, we are not left with many food options. However, when we priortitise protein consumptions it helps us to stay satiated for a longer time, cutting the risk of overindulgence.

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