Coughs to COPD: Recognising warning signs of lung damage and tips to combat tobacco addiction

Coughs to COPD: Recognising warning signs of lung damage and tips to combat tobacco addiction

8 months ago | 102 Views

It is a known fact that tobacco consumption takes a toll on one’s lungs given that tobacco is consumed in various forms such as cigarettes, cigars, vapes, bidi, and hookah, only to severely damage the lungs and increase the risk of developing lung and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that obstructs airflow from the lungs and induces breathing problems.

In an interview with an Lifestyle Magazine, Dr Pralhad Prabhudesai, Chest Physician at Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai, explained, “COPD is caused by inhaling tobacco which consists of various toxins such as nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, harmful chemicals such as benzene, arsenic, and formal dehyde and radioactive materials, which can further damage the lungs and the airways. Chewing tobacco can also have adverse effects on your oral health, resulting in esophageal, pancreas, and stomach-related diseases.”

Smoking and lung problems:

Dr Pralhad Prabhudesai revealed, “A major misconception is that nicotine is the primary cause of damaged lungs, but actually, it's tar that poses a real threat to your lungs. Smoking causes changes in the windpipe, where the secretions which are generally thin become thick causing recurrent damage to the cilia. Cilia protect your body from getting infected and remove dust particles from the lungs, and when damaged frequently, can cause bronchitis. Bronchitis happens when the tube that carries air to and fro from your lungs gets inflammation and swelling. Excessive smoking leads to irreversible damage to alveoli (tiny air sacs that regulate basic respiratory functions) and once they are damaged, there's no way they can naturally grow back.”

Spotting the early signs of COPD

  1. Stubborn cough that lasts for more than a few weeks or months
  2. Difficulty in breathing, especially after intense physical activities like running or climbing stairs
  3. Feeling tightness or sharp pain in the chest as if someone is crushing or squeezing your chest
  4. Individuals might experience excessive sweat irrespective of the weather or the surroundings
  5. Frequent respiratory infections like common cold, sinusitis, epiglottitis, bronchitis and tonsillitis
  6. Often waking up with severe headaches while getting up in the morning
  7. Losing the desire or appetite to eat, resulting in declining health
  8. Unintentional weight loss
  9. Getting tired easily and lack of energy

Tips to avoid or quit smoking and the impact of COPD

  1. A will to change: Half of the battle is won when there's a willingness to quit smoking. Quitting is the only effective way to reduce the impact of lung diseases and COPD. Early quitting can help reverse or majorly reduce the maximum damage caused by smoking on your lungs and overall health.
  2. Spreading awareness: It is important to be aware and educate an individual by making them understand how smoking can adversely affect their lungs and lead to COPD.
  3. Pharmacological drugs: Individuals are advised to consult their doctor to seek guidance and discuss their concerns about starting pharmacological drugs for a swift recovery. It is important to note that these drugs cannot be purchased without a doctor's prescription.
  4. Delay your craving: Craving to smoke that one last drag can be tempting and might sabotage your determination. Hence, even when you know that these cravings are irresistible and you will give in, be calm and try to delay it by at least 5 to 10 minutes. Things you can do to distract yourself during sudden cravings are listen to some exciting music, play mobile games, try solving a puzzle, or exercise.
  5. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): It is considered one of the most effective and promising options to quit smoking. During NRT, nicotine (which can be highly addictive) found in cigarettes is often replaced with low-dosage nicotine in the form of chewing gums, inhalers, adhesive patches, or lozenges.

Habits like smoking or passive smoking are injurious to health. It is the need of the hour to quit smoking and improve the quality of life.

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