Can Keto diet be the answer to irregular periods? Study reveals benefits beyond weight loss

Can Keto diet be the answer to irregular periods? Study reveals benefits beyond weight loss

1 month ago | 5 Views

Keto diet has majorly been associated with weight loss, but now as per a research study, from Ohio State University, it has surprising benefits for women struggling with their menstrual cycles. Published in PLoS ONE, the researchers found that this diet-based approach helps reproductive health, showing significant improvements, such as even resuming the cycle that had been absent for almost a year.

More about keto diet

Keto diet or ketogenic diet has low carbs and is majorly based on high-fat. It changes the body’s energy source. Traditionally the energy is drawn from the glucose in carbohydrates, this diet, however, alters that to burning fat and producing ketones. This state of producing ketones is known as ‘nutritional ketosis.’ Burning fat is the primary fuel for energy in this diet.

More about the study

The researchers examined 19 healthy, but overweight women of age 34 years. They were divided into three groups where one was on the keto diet solely, another combined it with ketone supplements, and a control group followed a low-fat diet. 11 out of 13 women who entered nutritional ketosis found positive changes in their menstrual cycles. Where the cycles became more regular or intense. This change is not related to weight loss.

The Keto diet efficiently helps bring about improvements in the menstrual cycle. One participant even got her periods for the very first time in a long while right after being 5 days on the keto diet. So there’s a positive correlation between ketone production and hormonal regulation. The researchers were hopeful that this finding would open up doors for the treatments of polycystic ovary syndrome, perimenopause, and postpartum depression. 

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