Are you watching your protein intake? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shares five essential food items to eat daily

Are you watching your protein intake? Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar shares five essential food items to eat daily

6 hours ago | 5 Views

In order to ensure that the body is getting all its nutrients we must watch our nutrition intake carefully. While protein intake is essential, we should also provide the body with all essential nutrients for ensure smooth bodily functions. Nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar recently shared an insightful video on her YouTube channel, explaining how we can get our daily protein intake from natural sources.

The nutritionist further noted five essential natural sources that can provide the body with the daily protein requirement.

Legumes and pulses:

Rujuta mentioned in the video that often, we focus on consuming sprouts and leave out the carbohydrate sources such as chapati and rice. But, when we do that, we restrict the body from getting all the sources of essential and non-essential amino acids.


Dal is one of the dishes that frequent every Indian platter. But there are other ways of consuming dal as well. Instead of having it as a curry, we can also make dal paratha with it. No matter the dish we make, we should ensure to consume dal every day.


Almonds, walnuts are to be included in the diet – but also chana and singdana can be used as an evening snack. Rujuta Diwekar mentioned that to ensure wholesome protein intake, we can make small healthy tweaks in our dietary patterns.

Milk and dairy products:

This family of food is loaded with protein and we should ensure to consume milk or dairy products at least once a day. Be it having a glass of milk in the morning or consuming curd rice for lunch, we should incorporate it in the daily diet.

Meat, fish and eggs:

If we can have non-vegetarian dishes, we should consume meat, fish and eggs as our daily source of protein.

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