All about sarcoma: A rare, aggressive cancer that spreads faster than any other

All about sarcoma: A rare, aggressive cancer that spreads faster than any other

1 month ago | 24 Views

Did you know sarcoma is a rare cancer that is difficult to diagnose and manage but it spreads quickly and unexpectedly? You must be aware of lung, breast, oral or cervical cancer but do you what sarcoma is? If not, then don’t worry and read about this cancer to be able to recognise it without any delay.

What is sarcoma?

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ashish Joshi, Medicial Oncologist at Lilavati Hospital, shared, “Sarcoma is a rare cancer that impacts the connective tissue in the cells that help connect or support other kinds of tissue in your body. This cancer originates from the soft tissues like fat, muscle, nerves, fibrous tissues, blood vessels, or deep skin tissues and can lead to higher mortality and morbidity rates.”

He revealed, “This cancer is known to spread to other parts of the body rapidly when compared to other cancers. The symptoms of this cancer are painless lump, bone pain, unintentional weight loss, and fracture. The factors include chemicals, viruses, chronic swelling, radiation therapy, and other inherited syndromes. One has to start the treatment immediately after the diagnosis to ensure his/her life is saved.”

Why sarcoma causes higher mortality and morbidity rates when compared to other types of cancers?

Dr Ashish Joshi explained, “Sarcomas have many subtypes and each responds differently to the treatment. Some sarcomas, like osteosarcoma or Ewing sarcoma, are also seen in children and young adults, while others like leiomyosarcoma or liposarcoma are known to impact older individuals. Sarcomas tend to become metastasis than other cancers which means they spread to other organs of the body and can raise the chances of various complications and death.”

He elaborated, “Owing to its rare nature, a sarcoma diagnosis can be delayed or many times, it can also be misdiagnosed with a negative outcome. Treating sarcoma needs a comprehensive approach consisting of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Moreover, targeted or immunotherapy can also help to treat this cancer and improve the quality of life of the patients. Owing to the limited awareness about sarcoma across India, the cases are often diagnosed during later stages when one’s condition becomes extremely serious. During the later stages, the treatment options are limited which affects the cancer management plan.”

Dr Ashish Joshi concluded, “Patients often suffer in silence and lose their precious lives. Also, when it comes to rural areas, specialized diagnostics facilities are not available and that can raise mortality in rural patients. Hence, timely diagnosis and treatment, awareness regarding this cancer, and advanced healthcare infrastructure are important for saving the lives of patients with sarcoma. Don’t ignore the symptoms of this cancer and consult the doctor without any delay to initiate life-saving treatment. Stay vigilant by ensuring you take charge of your health.”

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