5 vital tips to prevent oral cancer and signs to watch out for

5 vital tips to prevent oral cancer and signs to watch out for

4 months ago | 36 Views

Oral cancer is a serious deadly disease that often goes undiagnosed until it has reached an advanced stage and it is caused because of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors but one of the main causes of oral cancer is tobacco use, including smoking and chewing tobacco. The chemicals present in tobacco products can damage the cells in the mouth and throat, increasing the risk of developing cancer over time while another cause behind this fatal cancer is excessive alcohol consumption.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Jaipalreddy Pogal, Surgical Oncologist at TGH Onco-Life Cancer Centre in Talegaon, shared, “Alcohol tends to irritate the tissues in the mouth and lead to abnormal changes in cell growth and ultimately one can get detected with oral cancer. Poor oral hygiene habits such as not brushing or flossing regularly can also raise the chances of suffering oral cancer by allowing harmful bacteria to thrive in the mouth.”

According to him, some common symptoms of oral cancer include -

  • Persistent mouth sores, mouth or lip ulcers that do not heal, unexplained bleeding in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing or chewing.
  • Did you know? Even having a sore throat for a long time, hoarseness, numbness in the mouth or lips, and changes in your voice.

Dr Jaipalreddy Pogal insisted, “Early detection is necessary for successful treatment outcome of the disease. It is essential to seek timely treatment which is key to managing cancer and improving the quality of life of the patients. Adhere to the instructions given by the expert and you will surely be able to battle oral cancer.”

He highlighted some preventive measures for oral cancer -

  1. Stop using tobacco in any form, right away! Whether you chew raw tobacco or consume gutka, it is a leading cause of oral cancer in the country.
  2. Smoking (cigarettes, bidi, pipes, or hookah) is known to be a major contributor to oral cancer. Betel nut or supari alone poses a significant risk for oral cancer and is a key ingredient in pan masala.
  3. Quit alcohol as it causes oral cancer, with its carcinogenic effects increasing when consumed with tobacco.
  4. Regular dental check-ups can allow for the detection of any unwanted changes in the mouth that may indicate the presence of oral cancer. By taking proactive steps to maintain oral health, individuals can increase their chances of detecting oral cancer early and improving their overall prognosis.
  5. Perform a monthly visual inspection of your mouth to check for any persistent ulcers, bleeding areas, unusual patches, or swelling. These could indicate cancer, and catching it early will allow prompt treatment.

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