5 impactful habits that contribute to healthy mind, body and soul

5 impactful habits that contribute to healthy mind, body and soul

3 months ago | 31 Views

Our lifestyle plays an important role in shaping our entire well-being hence, it is crucial to find the right balance in life that will give us the ultimate peace of mind, our physical health be nourished and our souls will be fulfilled. Practicing mindful habits regularly has a significant positive impact on our physical and mental well-being.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Ashish Bansal, MBBS MD, Consultant Psychiatrist and Co-Founder of House Of Aesthetics, suggested 5 impactful habits that contribute to having a healthy mind, body and soul -

  1. Nutrition is key: In our busy work lives we often forget to pay attention to what we eat. Nutrition is a basic need for our overall health. Make sure you eat fresh produce every day. Avoid packaged foods as much as possible. Keep your meals simple which are easy to digest. Include seasonal fruits, vegetables, grains, and protein of your choice in your daily diet.
  2. Go out: Our body and mind require a daily dose of fresh air to keep them active. Our sedentary lifestyle makes us lazy and tired which has long-term consequences on our health. Take 20-30 minutes of your daily routine and go for a walk or a jog. Just being in nature for some time will rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.
  3. Maintain your sleep cycle: Fixing your bedtime is vital if you are wishing to achieve good health. Less sleep makes us tired, grumpy, and less productive. Late nights can affect your digestive system making you look dull and lifeless. Try to sleep early and have at least 7 hours of sleep. Playing calming nature sounds can be helpful if you have trouble sleeping.
  4. Find a hobby: Our body and mind instantly feel refreshed when we do activities that we enjoy. Apart from your work and daily chores, find a hobby that gives you joy. It can be painting, journaling, cooking, or reading. Set aside time for your hobby and you will see great changes in your mood, productivity, and attention.
  5. Calm yourself: Life comes up with everyday problems and we all get tired of dealing with them. Hence our mind needs to calm down and help us make the right decision. Meditation for 10 minutes every day can be helpful in just helping you organize your thoughts and letting you work and think better. You can simply meditate sitting on your bed before your bedtime or when you wake up for a few minutes coupled with a few stretches that will keep both your mind and body active.

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