12 healthy and effective ways to gain weight with diabetes

12 healthy and effective ways to gain weight with diabetes

3 months ago | 5 Views

You must have heard that being obese or having an excessive amount of body fat may lead to type 2 diabetes. Weight gain is not the only issue when it comes to this long-term health condition. Some diabetics may also lose weight without trying. While maintaining a healthy weight is essential to prevent as well as control diabetes, inexplicable weight loss is not healthy either. If you are underweight, you should try to put on a few pounds. Eating high-calorie foods, especially ultra-processed ones, will not lead to healthy weight gain. Know some effective yet healthy ways to gain weight with diabetes in healthy ways.

Why do diabetics lose weight?

Urinating a lot, especially during the night, and feeling very thirsty are some of the signs of this chronic condition characterised by high levels of sugar in the blood due to the body’s inability to properly process it. Losing weight without even trying is another symptom of diabetes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Weight loss and diabetesWeight loss is a sign of diabetes. Image courtesy: Freepik

"Weight loss is common in untreated or poorly controlled diabetes," says endocrinologist Dr Praveen Ramachandra. Some of the reasons for weight loss in people with diabetes include:

  • Insufficient insulin: Without enough insulin, glucose (sugar) cannot enter cells and provide energy. The body breaks down fat and muscle for fuel, leading to weight loss.
  • Frequent urination: "High blood sugar levels cause excessive urination, leading to dehydration and further weight loss," says the expert.
  • Loss of calories: Excess sugar is eliminated through urine, resulting in calorie loss.

What are the ways to gain weight with diabetes?

"When you explore ways to gain weight with diabetes, ensure your blood sugar levels remain stable while increasing calorie intake," says the expert.

1. Monitor blood sugar levels

Consistently check your blood glucose levels to help to gain weight weight with diabetes. You should reach your blood sugar target as much as possible. These are typical targets, according to the CDC:

  • Before eating food: 80 to 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
  • Two hours after the beginning of a meal: Less than 180 mg/dL.

Stable levels allow your body to process nutrients more effectively, promoting healthy weight gain.

2. Eat more frequently

"Consume small, balanced meals every 3 to 4 hours to increase your calorie intake without overwhelming your blood sugar levels," says Dr Ramachandra. If you are not diabetic, you should also eat more frequently, as it may reduce your chances of developing this disease. During a 2017 review published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation, a link was found between eating more frequently and reduced risk for diabetes.

3. Choose healthy fats

Consuming healthy fats is one of the ways to gain weight with diabetes. Go for foods such as olive oil, fatty fish (salmon, mackerel), and nut butters. "These fats are calorie-dense and heart-healthy," says the expert. Your diet should have more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats than saturated fats, according to the American Diabetes Association. Sources of monounsaturated fat include avocado, nuts like almonds, cashews, and peanuts, and olive oil. Want to have polyunsaturated fat-rich food? Eat oily fish like salmon, sardines, and tuna, walnuts, and flaxseeds. But stay away from high-fat meats like hot dogs, sausage, and bacon, and high-fat dairy products such as full-fat cheese, cream, whole milk, and ice cream.

4. Add protein to every meal

Protein is another way to gain weight with diabetes. Also, a high-protein diet can lower blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes, according to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2003. Proteins like eggs, lean meats, tofu, and legumes can help build muscle mass and maintain stable blood sugar levels.

5. Incorporate complex carbohydrates

Eliminating carbohydrates from your diet will not help to return blood glucose levels to the normal range. Foods that contain carbohydrates are important sources of many nutrients, including fibre, water-soluble vitamins and minerals, as per the American Diabetes Association. Focussing on whole-grain bread, brown rice, quinoa, and sweet potatoes is one of the ways to gain weight with diabetes. "These carbohydrate-rich foods provide sustained energy and prevent blood sugar spikes," says the expert.

6. Use liquid calories

Drinking smoothies or shakes made with milk, yoghurt, nut butter, and fruits like banana, and strawberries is a healthy way to gain weight with diabetes. "These are easy to digest and calorie-dense," says the expert. Just remember to have only one or two servings of smoothies or shakes in a day.

weight gain with diabetesLook for healthy ways to gain weight with diabetes Image courtesy: Freepik.

7. Pair low-calorie foods with calorie-dense foods

If you are trying to gain weight, you need to consume about 500 additional calories per day. Avoiding low-calorie foods such as cruciferous vegetables or water-rich foods like cucumber, and celery may not be entirely possible. You can have cucumber with some seeds, and avocado slices.

8. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is one of the healthy ways to gain weight with diabetes. Strength training can increase muscle mass, according to a study published in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise journal in 2020. "Building muscle mass can help to increase your body weight," says the expert.

9. Manage stress and sleep

Chronic stress and poor sleep can interfere with appetite and blood sugar regulation, hindering weight gain. Practice relaxation techniques and maintain a regular sleep schedule. Go for deep breathing, and meditation, which is a practice that can help prepare your body and mind for a a good quality sleep.

10. Use insulin effectively

Using insulin effectively is one of the ways to gain weight with diabetes. Insulin therapy is a diabetes treatment, which involves administering insulin to help control the levels of blood sugar. "Work with your doctor to optimise insulin therapy to ensure your body efficiently uses glucose for energy," says the expert.

11. Use supplements

Using supplements like casein and whey protein powder may help to build muscle mass, which is one of the ways to gain weight with diabetes. But check with your doctor before starting any supplement, including the ones for weight gain or building muscles, and follow the directions mentioned on the label.

12. Consult a dietitian

You can adjust your diet on your own, but getting help from a professional may work better. A registered dietitian can create a personalised meal plan that is specifically meant for diabetes management and weight gain goals. They will be able to share which foods, how much and how to have them.

Weight loss due to diabetes may worry you. Focussing on healthy fats, monitoring blood sugar levels, and seeking guidance from experts are some of the healthy ways to gain weight with diabetes.

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