Slash’s late stepdaughter Lucy-Bleu Knight's chilling final post raises concerns: ‘May my soul learn to evolve from…’

Slash’s late stepdaughter Lucy-Bleu Knight's chilling final post raises concerns: ‘May my soul learn to evolve from…’

8 months ago | 83 Views

The final haunting Instagram post of Slash’s stepdaughter Lucy-Bleu Knight was revealed shortly after her death. The Guns N’ Roses star announced that Knight has died at the age of 25.

Knight died on Friday, July 19, at a private residence. Her autopsy has been scheduled, according to the Los Angeles Medical Examiner’s Office.

About three hours after Slash announced Knight’s death, a selfie of Knight was posted to social media with an unsettling caption. Considering the post was shared after she died, social media users speculated that she had scheduled it.

In the photo, Knight can be seen staring away from the camera with a serious expression on her face. The caption reads, “Whether I made you feel excluded, manipulated/ controlled you, told you to quit your day job from the comfort of being financially supported by my parents, or drowned real issues in toxic positivity-I am sorry. Countless missed opportunities and connections due to a disgustingly big ego, insecure heart and fear of being vulnerable. May my soul learn to evolve from my poor job at being Lucy-Bleu. Peace”.

‘This has to be so shocking and hard for her loved ones’

Many users commented on the post, expressing their sorrow. “Really sad to read this even for someone that didn't know her. Got a feeling reading these comments she was harder on herself than she needed to be and well loved. Condolences to her family and friends. Rest in peace to you Lucy Bleu,” one user wrote. “I can’t believe you can schedule a post. This has to be so shocking and hard for her loved ones. I’m so sorry to all who adored her. This sucks,” one user wrote, while another said, “That you now found the peace you were looking for. We, the ones that stayed behind will miss you terribly but you now are flying free.”

“First friend I ever made in the tattoo world. Feel blessed to have know you and called you a good friend. I’ll always cherish the memories and time we spent together. Rest in peace angel,” a friend of Knight wrote. “i love you so much. i will keep your artwork forever. and take the roadtrip through the south that never transpired. you’re the magical person that would text me “my psychic kept saying your name” then run into me hours later. you were so funny and never showed me anything but total raw, humility. oh lucy,” one user wrote, while another said, “This is so sad. My heart breaks for her pain that she thought she caused. I will forever treasure the commissioned works of art I obtained from her.”

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