Get to know...Isha Talwar
7 months ago | 89 Views
Actor, Isha Talwar
Currently I am: Filming Sudhir Mishra’s new show, in which I ply a student. And I’m enjoying all the attention that Mirzapur has got.
High point in life: Travelling with my dog, Coconut, to Delhi, Lucknow, Kanpur and Dehradun.

Low point in life: Whenever a low point strikes, it’s just a reminder that I need to exercise.
On my playlist: Ogo Bideshini, by Anjan Dutt; Hanuman Chalisa, by Rasraj ji Maharaj, Dilbaro, from Raazi.
Today I’m craving: A Bombay street sandwich.
Next big splurge: A home.
App I check before bed: Instagram. I need to stop this habit as quickly as possible.
Advice I’d give my 18-year-old self: Be hungry for self growth. You already are.
A secret skill I have: I start laughing in the middle of chaos.
A superpower I wish I had: I would love to disappear midway through a conversation.

My favourite Sunday memory while growing up: Playing for hours and climbing trees.
My most star-struck moment so far: Watching Shobana ji at a dance recital. I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. I don’t know why ! When I went backstage I remember getting the shivers, which is rare for me.
My favourite bad habit: Being late!
If I could travel back or forward in time, I’d…: Manipulate time so I can dance more.
A trait I despise in people: When they look at me as a frail woman.
I won’t leave the house without…: A bottle of water.
The best thing about fame: Absolute love from absolute strangers.
The worst thing about fame: It’s addictive. And nothing addictive is good in the long term.