Get to know...Anveshi Jain

Get to know...Anveshi Jain

6 days ago | 8 Views

Actor, singer, influencer. @Anveshi25

Currently I am: Waiting for my film, Martin, to release.

High point in life: When I became the most Googled actress in 2019.

Low point in life: When my parents stopped talking to me for one year after my first show release.

On my playlist: Enna Solla Pogirai, from Kandukondain Kandukondain, and the Impact Theory podcast.

One thing I would never buy: I’d buy anything.

Today I’m craving: Mom’s food.

Last thing I ordered online: Multivitamins and phone grips.

App I check before bed: Headspace.

Advice I’d give my 18-year-old self: Don’t worry. You’ll be the most successful woman in your bloodline.

My favourite subject in school: Hindi and Sanskrit.

I’d swipe right on: Men who are present and self-aware.

My secret skill is: Writing good romance stories.

A superpower/magic tool I wish I had: To finish what I start.

My favourite Sunday memory: Lockdown Sundays with my brother.

Anveshi Jain is headed to Bali. (ADOBE STOCK)

My plans for next Sunday: Flying to Bali.

My most star-struck moment: Meeting Shah Rukh Khan and stealing a tissue he touched!

My favourite bad habit: Over writing and over planning.

If I could travel back or forward in time, I’d… : Go back to Paris, undo losing my passport and cover all the other countries I missed.

The best thing about fame: Your face is your identity.

The worst thing about fame: You always want more and fear becoming forgotten, and have to fight to stay relevant.

Read Also: The Brunch round-up: The week and how it made us feel
