World Music Day 2024: 7 amazing benefits of listening to music

World Music Day 2024: 7 amazing benefits of listening to music

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World Music Day 2024: Music acts as the soothing background score to our lives. Be it any mood, music can add more depth, contemplation, perspective and peace to it. Music creates a sense of community and adds value to unity in diversity. Music, like any art form, does not require the understanding of language to get people connected. Musicians all over the world experiment with music, lyrics, and rhythm to bring new music to the world every day. World Music Day is celebrated every year to emphasise on the importance of music in our lives, and how it helps in bringing people closer.

World Music Day is observed on June 21 every year. Musicians are urged to perform on the streets under the slogan - Faites de la musique, on this day. As we gear up to celebrate the beautiful day, here are a few reasons why we should listen to music every day.

Elevates mood:

Take a sad day and make it better with a song of your choice. Music helps in elevating our mood and makes you feel better. It helps us to have fresh perspectives and look at the world through a happier lens.

Relieves depression:

When we feel low or down in the dumps, we can trust music to pick us up and make us feel better. Music also helps us to distract ourselves from things that emotionally hurt us.

Its heart healthy:

Listening to music can help reduce blood pressure, decrease cortisol levels and regulate the heart rate. It helps in boosting cardiovascular health.

Stimulates memories:

Even though there is no cure for Alzheimer's or Dementia, music therapy has shown significant development in stirring up memories and relieving some of the symptoms of these conditions.

Manages pain:

Music helps in reducing stress levels by regulating Cortisol levels in the body. It also provides a strong competing signal to the brain against pain – this further helps in pain management.

Increases workout endurance:

During a tough exercise routine, playing the songs we like can help in having to enhance motivation and boost physical performance.

Helps people eat less:

Soft music in the backdrop with dim lighting helps people slow down while eating – this further helps people from overconsuming food in one sitting.

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