This morning, strengthen familial ties to build a happy home together

This morning, strengthen familial ties to build a happy home together

1 month ago | 29 Views

The way we start a morning helps us to set the mood for the rest of the day. But when it comes to our families and our loved ones, it is important that we spend some time with them before leaving for work. Having a slow morning with loved ones, having light conversations with them over breakfast and laughing out with them helps in feeling lighter and happier for the rest of the day. It also helps in strengthening familial bonds and the emotional connections that we share with them.

In an interview with HT lifestyle, Aamish Dhingra, mental health coach, Founder of Cocoweave International Coaching, said, “Morning rituals are of utmost importance in strengthening and deepening the bond between the family members and by setting a healthy tone for the day.” Here are a few ways to strengthen familial bonds in the morning before leaving for work.

Have the first meal together:

In order to know each other better and stay connected, have your breakfast together. Know more about each other’s plans for the day and take the comfort of the presence of your family members.

Go for a morning walk:

Not only will a morning walk set a good tune for the day, but accompanying your family member will also foster your bond. Mood gets alleviated and there is a boost in energy levels.

Involve in group activity:

By working together as a team, you set a great example for your children by teaching them the role of mutual cooperation and the ease with which a task can be accomplished with team efforts. So, to inculcate this practice in your morning ritual, assign a group task to all the members of the family, may it be preparing the tiffin, packing the school bags or setting the breakfast table.

Morning prayer:

Family members who practice the habit of joining each other in the morning prayer or a small meditation session inculcate a feeling of unity, peace and strength amongst each other. Everyone feels empowered and grounded, and it is a great way to begin a day on a humble note.

Express gratitude:

For a positive and healthy family atmosphere, sit in a common area to express your gratitude - it is a great feeling to give a boost to mental wellbeing.

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