The Brunch round-up: The week and how it made us feel

The Brunch round-up: The week and how it made us feel

2 months ago | 30 Views

This week, we’re...

Kongratulating our Kween. Kareena Kapoor marks 20 years in cinema this year. Thank God for her. She owned her nepo-baby status long before the debate began. She’s never dull. She revels in playing flighty, sassy, spoiled brats, still making you love her. Who else could have been Poo in K3G or Geet in Jab We Met. (Never forget Omkara, Chameli and Udta Punjab.) We stan.

Musician Aditi Ramesh wears jasmines because they remind her of Bengaluru.

Smelling jasmine. Musician Aditi Ramesh recently posted that the mallipoo (jasmine blossoms) that she wears in her hair when she performs are more than a fashion accessory. They reminds her of her home in Bengaluru where the women of the house would pluck them fresh and string them for the day. They “transform the stage into home for me. I feel invincible,” she wrote. Fusion is about the little things too, no? Love!

Taking control. Research is showing that more young people are choosing go without sex. We’re not judging. But we’re listening. Because those people also don’t want to be called celibate (it sounds a bit priestly, frankly). Cooler terms include ‘Decentering men’, ‘boy sober’, and our fav, ‘d**k embargo’.

Travellers are choosing to pass the time on flights without entertainment of any kind. (ADOBE STOCK)

Plugging out. What does unprotected sex have to do with long-haul flights? Check out videos of people going through long journeys without inflight entertainment – no book, no screen, no headphones, no chatting with the stranger in the next seat even. It’s called raw dogging (Ah! The sex reference.) and is the flex of the moment. We’re all for it, but we’ll still use a condom.

Clapping back. Immigration attorney Kathleen Martinez’s Texas firm is modelled after Legally Blonde. The women lawyers wear pink. She regularly shuts down misogyny on her social channels. “If I’m not triggering fragile male egos in the comment section, I’m beating them in court,” she said in an Insta post. What, like it’s hard?

Many people did not know that the suffixes –st and –nd are the short forms of first and second. (ADOBE STOCK)

Finally getting it. An Insta trend shows way too many young people mentioning that they’ve only just realised that the suffixes –st and –nd, for 1st and 2nd, are short for first and second. Digital creator Nicole Beattie’s Reel says it took her 31 years to realise this. Why did it take so long? And why is ignorance now a flex?

Read Also: not a big ask: consent is important even in these social situations
