Stop replying to work emails after work hours. It's more harmful than it looks

Stop replying to work emails after work hours. It's more harmful than it looks

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Do you have the habit of responding to work emails and taking work calls even after your work hours are over? That can add to your burnout. Even when we consciously try to avoid everything related to work post our work hours, sometimes an urgent mail notification or a text can send our heart racing and increase our stress levels. However, all of this is just on the surface, and it gets more serious when we dig deeper.

Impact of working outside work hours:

Myoung-Gi Chon, Associate Professor of Communication and Journalism, Auburn University, and his colleague conducted a study to find the link between work-related communication outside work hours, and increased risk of employee burnout. It was observed that when employees are made to work outside their work hours, it can hinder their productivity and lead to employees badmouthing their employers, and also initiate other negative behaviours.

The study was conducted on 315 full-time US employees and it was observed that when employees perform work-related communication post their work hours, it can hinder them emotionally and cause emotional exhaustion. This can further have counterproductive effects.

According to a 2013 survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, more than half of the population of employees in US reported that they checked their work messages over the weekend. The numbers have only doubled since then.

The study further explained that this behaviour of blurring the lines between work and home does not just stop at affecting the employee’s life and job satisfaction, but also affects organisational performance.

This is a wake-up call

Myoung-Gi Chon, in the article published by The Conversation, mentioned that the study is a wake-up call for organisations to understand how stressful work cultures can affect employee morale and job satisfaction, further driving them into burnout and exhaustion. It is important to maintain a proper work-life balance to stop the employees from turning their personal time into another extension of their work shifts.

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