National Heat Awareness Day 2024: Why do we celebrate this day? Here's all that you need to know

National Heat Awareness Day 2024: Why do we celebrate this day? Here's all that you need to know

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National Heat Awareness Day 2024: Heat waves in multiple states of the country is one of the most pressing issues in recent times. People are suffering because of the scorching heat. Extreme heat during the summer season can lead to multiple illnesses. Every year, a lot of people suffer and die due to heat-related illnesses. Scorching heat of the summer can lead to heat stroke as well. However, such illnesses can be avoided if we are mindful and know how to take necessary precautions to avoid heat. Every year, National Heat Awareness Day is observed to create awareness about the health dangers related to heat and how we can prevent falling sick. As we gear up to celebrate the important day, here are a few things we need to remember.


Every year, National Heat Awareness Day is observed on the last Friday of the month of May. This year, National Heat Awareness Day will be celebrated on May 31.


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the National Weather Service, an agency of the US Federal Government created National Heat Awareness Day with the intention of starting conversations regarding the plight of outdoor workers and labourers. People who work outdoors throughout the summer season are more prone to falling sick due to extreme heat. There is no record of the first observance of National heat Awareness Day – however, it is celebrated every year on the last Friday of the month of May.

Why do we celebrate this day?

Heat waves are one of the most dangerous natural hazards – however, the deaths and illnesses related to it are not so obvious. Hence, people may not be aware about how to take precautions to avoid it. Heat waves can sicken or kill people. People, especially the ones who work outdoors during the summer season, need to take precautionary measures to stay safe and healthy during this time. National Heat Awareness Day is observed to create awareness and urge people to take care of themselves during this time of the year.

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