Mother's Day 2024: Why is it celebrated twice a year? Here's all that you need to know

Mother's Day 2024: Why is it celebrated twice a year? Here's all that you need to know

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Mother's Day 2024: Mother's Day is celebrated with a whole lot of pomp and grandeur all over the world. Mothers are our first love and the ones who have our back till the end. They are loudest cheerleaders and our shoulder to cry on in difficult times. A mother and a child grow a bond of love even before the child arrives in the world. Mothers teach us the power of unconditional love and we can never imagine our lives without them. They wrap us within the bubble of their strength, love and power and we are safe within it. Mothers are meant to be celebrated every day of our lives. Every year, a special day is dedicated to our mothers and the unconditional love that they shower on us.

This is the day to shower the most important woman of our lives with a lot of love and pampering. This is the day to celebrate them for who they are and make a lot of memories. But there is confusion regarding the dates of Mother's Day because it is celebrated twice a year. Here's all that you need to know about it.

Why is Mother's Day celebrated twice a year?

Well, Mother's Day is not celebrated twice a year, but there is a confusion regarding the same. It is based on the way many countries observe Mother's Day. Originally, Mother's Day is observed on the second Sunday of the month of May every year. This year Mother's Day will be observed on May 12. Countries such as United States, Canada, Australia, and most of Europe follow this date for celebrating Mother's Day. India also follows the international schedule followed by the United States and Canada and celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May.

However, in some cases, Mother's Day is often confused with Mothering Sunday. Mothering Sunday is observed on the fourth Sunday of Lent – three weeks before Easter Sunday celebrations. The day is observed for the people to return to their mother church for a special service. With time, Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated as Mother's Day in many countries as a way of respecting a mother's love. This year, Mothering Sunday was observed on March 31.

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