Mathematics for Ladies: Read exclusive poems on women in science

Mathematics for Ladies: Read exclusive poems on women in science

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A librarian at Colorado College, Jessy Randall, 54 would often pore through books on historical women in science. She had read several biographies, memoirs, scientific articles, which prompted the idea of writing poems on the most interesting anecdotes she had read. After a while, it felt like some of the poems almost wrote themselves, she says. She compiled 70 such verses into the book, titled Mathematics for Ladies: Poems on Women in Science (2022). “I’m very glad to be a writer in the age of the internet, because I don’t have to explain the entire back story for each poem – the reader can pursue more information without even getting out of their chair,” she says.

Take a look at three of her poems on: Bertha Benz, the German automotive pioneer known for setting off on the world’s first long-distance drive in the Patent-Motorwagen built by her husband, Karl Benz; British mathematician Charlotte Angas Scott and American professor and botanist Rachel Bodley.

Bertha Benz (1849–1944)

I wanted to see how far I could drive in one day. We left at dawn, my sons and I. No, I didn’t tell my husband. Why should I have? I didn’t need his permission. It was my money built those cars. My sons thought it was a lark, stopping in the little towns, the wind in our faces.

Those things you drive now are more like tanks. We were picnicking on wheels.A formidable bike. We made 66 milesfrom sunup to sundown. Mannheim ate our dust. Pforzheim was like another planet.

We didn’t return right away. We let Karl stew.The car cooled down. I bought a new hat and ate pastries. The boys ran about, taking all the credit. As if anyone could’ve done what I did. It’s all right. Their names may be emblazoned on the signs, but I know who I am and what drove me.

Charlotte Angas Scott (1858–1931)

When I was at college for mathematics I attended Cambridge lectures

from behind a screen, of course.So the male students couldn’t see me.

(I might have distracted them.)

And so I had to picture all the numbers in my head. I had no view of the board.

Maybe the strain of all that imagining is why I tied for 8th place on the exam.

Being female, I was not allowed to attend the ceremony.

Nor could my name be read aloud.But when the list got to 8th place

the men called out SCOTT and cheered, and waved their hats.

Or so I’m told. I wasn’t there.

Rachel Bodley (1831–1888)

I was quite boring. I did science. I was meticulous. I don’t have any funny stories about it. Stop requiring women to be charming and delightful! Just let us do our work. Thank you

(Excerpted with permission from Mathematics for Ladies: Poems on Women in Science by Jessy Randall, published by Goldsmiths Press; 2022)

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